Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


ERG Community Monthly Calls

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation hosts a series of monthly zoom calls and other forums to showcase best practices among faith-oriented employee resource groups (ERGs) in America’s top corporations. The calls are generally off-the-record and not recorded to facilitate free discussion. All are welcome! 

Dec. 8, 2021

This call was a planning meeting for our in-person January 14th ERG breakfast in Palo Alto, CA. And save the date:

  • January 14, 2022 – 8:00am – Breakfast for Faith ERG leaders in the Bay Area (all faiths welcome).
  • Featured speaker: Fr. Greg McBrayer, Chaplain, Chief Flight Controller, and Christian EBRG global lead at American Airlines.
  • Topic: How Faith ERGs can be strong allies of diverse communities, including those with differing abilities.
  • Also, overview of the May 23-25, 2022, Dare to Overcome National ERG Conference in Washington DC.

Dec. 2, 2021

Speakers, sponsors and those interested in helping to organize Dare to Overcome (May 23-25, 2022), joined this 30-minute ERG Community Call.

October 27 & November 3, 2021

In person: World’s largest airline hosts roundtable advancing workplace religious inclusion and allyship – American Airlines. Online follow-up, Nov. 3.

October 6, 2021

See a recording of the discussion on vaccines and religious accommodation with Richard Foltin and Kent Johnson from Oct. 6, 2021.

September 9, 2021

Hear how 9/11 still defines the work of Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, (Ambassador Sujay is a former NYPD chaplain and US Ambassador at large for International Religious Freedom), Fr. Greg McBrayer (American Airlines chief flight controller and Christian EBRG leader), and David W. Miller, Ph.D. (Dr. Miller became Director of Princeton University’s Faith & Work Initiative after 16 years in senior executive positions in international business and finance). Moderated by RFBF President, Brian Grim.

August 5, 2021

Members of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are invited to join our discussion on how faith-and-belief ERGs can be good allies to people with varying abilities and Disability ERGs.

July 1, 2021

See prepared comments by Prof. Asher Maoz, Founding Dean of the Peres Academic Center Law School.

Summary of recommendations by Nicole Rahimzadeh, who is part of the leadership in the Jewglers (Jewish Googlers), part of Google’s Inter Belief Network.

— Adopt a consistent approach to tackling and condemning all forms of hate against all minorities, including antisemitism.

— Make it clear what constitutes antisemitism and take a consistent clear stand against it when it shows up (e.g. adopting the IHRA definition of antisemitism can help, and consult AJC or ADLfor advice).

— Include antisemitism in any ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ discussions and trainings for the HR team and employees. Education is key.

— Create an ERG (Employee Resource Group) for Jewish employees:

– The ERG can support and be there for each other during the spikes of antisemitism attacks.

– The ERG helps to amplify and hear the voices of the Jewish employees – especially important when specific issues arise in the company affecting the group directly.

June 3, 2021

May 6, 2021

Feature prayers by colleagues from Walmart’s FAVOR ERG and Intel’s faith-and-belief ERGs.

February 9-11, 2021

December 3, 2020

Keynote: Stephanie Vander Zanden, Founder and CEO, The Inclusion Company and former Global Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Schreiber Foods. Watch.

November 10, 2020

Watch presentation by Kent Johnson.

September 1, 2020


Read press release on Believe.

August 4, 2020

Download Dell’s PPT from call.

July 7, 2020

See profile of Faithforce here.

May 5, 2020


April 3, 2020


February 13-14, 2020