Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Monthly Archives: July 2020

The Fabric of Faith

28 Jul, 2020

By Steve Hitz

Steve Hitz is a founding partner of Launching Leaders Worldwide. LLWW and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation have engaged participants in 29 countries on 6 continents thru a faith-based personal leadership curriculum which empowers participants everywhere. 

When we at Launching Leaders Worldwide began our partnership with Brian Grim and Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in 2016, we gathered in Manchester, England, at the Catholic Chaplaincy with Father Tim Byron and team to conduct an interfaith leadership seminar. The breadth of this experience cannot be overstated. The group was made up of several young adults from various faiths. They facilitated the curriculum themselves, discussing and applying the leadership principles being taught to their own beliefs and faith traditions, while learning from others and their faith and beliefs.

The leadership principles woven within the fabric of faith erased any perceived boundaries as the young adults united in an exchange of ideas and beliefs.  One of the Christian participants, Hinna Parvez Malúch, had fled to England from Pakistan where she had suffered persecution because of her beliefs. So when Father Tim suggested concluding the course with a service project – painting a mosque that had been graffitied and defaced by religious bigots – it wasn’t an easy thing to do for Hinna who had herself been severely affected by the religious intolerance of Pakistani Muslims.

Hinna trusted that only good could come from an outreach such as this, though she was terrified. In the end, the entire experience was more than a leadership course wherein personal faith could be applied, it was the formation of a group who learned to appreciate others’ faith journeys without judgement and with gratitude, knowing that we can all co-exist in a joyful and peaceful way.

It is not too much to suggest that humanity operates from within the woeful limits to our human knowledge. In a world with every “fact” at our fingertips, we still live much of our lives in ignorance. In his quest for understanding, Seventeenth-century scientist and theologian Blaise Pascal surmised:

“This is what I see and what troubles me.  I look on all sides, and I see only darkness everywhere.  Nature presents to me nothing which is not a matter of doubt and concern.  If I saw nothing there that revealed a Divinity, I would come to a negative conclusion; if I saw everywhere the signs of a Creator, I would remain peacefully in faith. But seeing too much to deny and too little to be sure, I am in a state to be pitied….”

In everyone’s search to discover their truth, the ability to have liberating and open discussions without conflict that creates human suffering in the process is by all practicality, religious freedom. Can there be anything so valuable to a person’s quest for happiness? Perhaps we are all to be “pitied,” not knowing all the answers to life’s important questions. But that is the foundation of faith—a yearning toward something more, especially given our limited understanding.

Dr. Paul Brand, author of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, gave his life to making a better world for those afflicted with leprosy. He had a leprosy hospital in Vellore, India, to which he would invite guest speakers from time to time. He recalled a “strange-looking” Frenchman Abbe Pierre, arriving with his simple monk’s habit and a blanket over his shoulder and carrying a carpet bag with everything he possessed. He told his story of being assigned as a Catholic friar to work among beggars in Paris after World War II. Abbe tried to interest the community in the beggar’s plight—to no avail.

He decided that if he could instill the act of service and personal purpose in the beggars, they might have a chance. He organized them into a business collecting bottles and rags from big hotels and businesses. An organization called Emmaus was founded which branched into many countries. The beggars had found purpose in personal responsibility and service. His challenge then was to continue to find service opportunities for the participants so the spiritual impact of their mission would not be lost.

Dr. Brand invited Abbe Pierre to share his story with the students at Vellore, who were typically light-hearted and sometimes ornery, and did not suffer a guest speaker who was boring. They allowed three minutes before stomping their feet until the speaker sat down. It sounds rude, but that was their custom.

Abbe Pierre spoke French, which was not understood by the students. He spoke deliberately and gave a detailed account of his mission and purpose. Dr. Brand was afraid that the students would not suffer such an oration and that this humble man might be shouted off the stage. Dr. Brand was translating as fast as he could. “You don’t need language to express love, only to express hate. The language of love is what you do,” said Pierre. The students looked at Pierre. With piercing eyes, the students were mesmerized by his message. Three minutes passed and turned to twenty. Pierre sat down, and immediately the students burst into a boisterous standing ovation. Dr. Brand was mystified and asked the students how they understood? Their reply – “We did not need a language. We felt the presence of God and the presence of love.”

This is the language that crossed interfaith lines for Hinna as she painted a mosque. This is the language that permitted four very different faith traditions in Manchester to work together, sharing openly how the leadership principles applied to their own faith, and emerged with a love and understanding for each other. This is the language that allows civil debate. This is the language looks upon another’s seeking without pity, but rather, celebration. This is the fabric of faith that is the foundation of religious freedom—which when implemented, bridges gaps of misunderstanding and allows pure dialogue to rise above the cancel culture of judgement and coercion.

Weave into this discussion Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”

Now we have the foundations of a dialogue that can change the world for the better. I look forward to building upon these concepts in the coming months as we strive to create meaningful purpose in each of our lives and an atmosphere in the world that allows us all to breathe a little more freely.

Related Video

Indian Filmmaker Recognized for Religious Freedom

28 Jul, 2020

Two films by Sharon Angel were official entries in the 2020 Religious Freedom & Business Film Festival to be held this Saturday. Registration is free! Read more.

Sharon is also the Director/Producer of the music video for the 2020 Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards, which will be presented at the Dare to Overcome Business Festival on the eve of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

About Sharon Angel (FB)

Sharon Angel is a dynamic, young leader and a voice for this generation. Sharon’s passion lies in bridging societal divides between people of different status, faith, caste, race, age and gender. Her goal is to give voice to those who are destitute and faced by oppression, and help facilitate their journey toward rehabilitation, employment and leadership through her work in media and justice. Sharon is the Trustee of SEESHA (, a non-governmental organization in India that helps the underprivileged communities in areas of health, education, sanitation and environment.

Growing up immersed in media, Sharon has studied and worked with media organizations around the world to effectively take her message to a global audience. As a Bachelor in Broadcast Communication, graduate of MFA in Cinema-Television, and producer of several programs at her job with a broadcast network, she empowers other women media advocates with technical skills to produce their own show. Sharon speaks around the world, teaches and trains leaders on how they can effectively use video and social media to deliver their message on a visual platform.

The heart of Sharon’s passion lies with her video project, “Random Thoughts”. The YouTube series started in 2013 and shares the truly random thoughts that she has on things she encounters in her life, travels, work and leisure. Today, she has a variety of videos on difficult subjects starting from domestic violence, religious freedom, peaceful relationships, child labor, disaster relief, mental health to everyday topics like having a bad day, the meaning of love and spending. Her channel encourages people to open up and share their experiences on matters that tear people apart, so that Sharon can do her part in inspiring a new perspective for peace, bridging the gap and stimulating reconciliation. Subscribers also get a sneak peek into her life through her vlogs, as she showcases some of her favorite things to do while she travels and reminisces about growing up in India.

Sharon is now an entrepreneur and runs her own video production company, helping organizations and leaders produce video and social media content around the world.

In a recent interview, Sharon talked about her company, A North Production: “As a company, we help corporate leaders and businesses establish an online presence. Most people are intimidated of social media and their company’s online competition. We help individuals and brands bring their vision to action with ease, and reach their intended audience. We are known for video production, social media strategy, content creation, marketing and branding.”

“Our business focuses not only on taking away the intimidation that media and the internet world brings to clients but has a message behind every story, ultimately  empowering women on the other side of the world. We are here to serve the intellectual and the outcast, hoping to bridge the gap between two widely different groups of people.”

August 4 Faith & Belief ERGs Zoom Call with DELL Technologies

24 Jul, 2020

  • Download DELL Technologies Interfaith ERG Presentation 
  •           *         *         *          *
  • What: Community Call for Faith and Belief Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
  • Featuring: DELL — At Dell Technologies, the Interfaith ERG represents many faiths as one family. Leaders shared how Dell’s corporate vision aligns with and empowers the interfaith ERG in their commitment to drive awareness, promote understanding, and foster camaraderie. Speakers included: Joe Pacheco, Marketing Director & Interfaith Business Innovation Co-Lead; and Steve Helms, Global Alliance Sales Manager & Interfaith Business Innovation Co-Lead. Also see Dell Technologies 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Report and Dell Technologies Corporate Resource Groups.
  • When: Tuesday, August 4, 2020
  • Time: 12 noon EDT; 11:00am CDT; 09:00am PDT
  • Host: Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF)
  • Moderator: Kent Johnson
  • Registration Required (closed)
  • Join Faith & Belief ERG LinkedIn Group: Join Now
  • Questions? Email RFBF

Note: Presentation was not recorded and ws off the record (Chatham House Rule). For security, registration and password were required.

Faith-Oriented Employee Resource Groups are becoming a regular part of corporate diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. This was the fifth in a series of monthly interfaith ERG community calls. Previous calls featured insights from Intel, American Express, American Airlines, and Salesforce. The next call will be Tuesday, September 1, with PayPal’s Interfaith Employee Resource Group “Believe” sharing about their exciting new work.

Please join our LINKEDIN GROUP to share your thoughts and to stay in touch.

Dell took one of the top spots among Fortune 100 companies on the Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index in 2020. Learn more.

King Husein signs Corporate Pledge on religious freedom

18 Jul, 2020

King Husein, CEO of America’s largest metal construction company, signs Corporate Pledge on freedom of religion or belief

In 2016, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation issued the Corporate Pledge on Freedom of religion or Belief (the Pledge) and invited companies to sign on. The Pledge is predicated on protecting religious pluralism and freedom of religion or belief (FoRB), as it is articulated in Article 18 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (the Declaration):

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

Drawing on the Declaration, the Pledge outlines aspirational goals for corporate support of freedom of religion or belief within the workforce and in the nations and communities in which the signatories conduct business. Scores of companies have signed the Pledge, and the number of signatories continues to grow.


King Husein was born in Bombay, India. He received a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Bombay. He also received his master’s degree in Civil and Structural Engineering from Brigham Young University. After completing his education, he was hired by Priggen Steel Buildings, a regional steel building manufacturer which was later acquired by Varco-Pruden Buildings which is affiliated with Butler Steel Buildings. From there he moved to California, where he eventually established Span Construction and Engineering, which he now heads as the Chairman and CEO.

He has built the company into what is now the country’s largest steel building engineering and construction company, which is operating on four continents. The company specializes in the engineering and construction of large steel buildings. It is also the exclusive builder for Costco Wholesale worldwide. In addition to his business ventures, King has been a prominent supporter of religious freedom initiatives worldwide, including in India.

Commitment to Religious Freedom

In part because of his early life in India, coupled with positive experiences in later life in the United States, King has been acutely aware of the importance of freedom of religion or belief for his own faith, for protection of the rights of others, and as a vital factor in the building of vibrant, stable societies.  With that in mind, his major objective has been to find ways to reach key opinion leaders in countries around the world—government officials, religious leaders, academics, judges, and other policy makers.

He has had a strong interest in his native India, but his efforts have reached much further.  He has found practical ways (and provided vital funding) to bring together key people who shape religion policy around the world.  Among other things, these initiatives help build reciprocal moral support among FoRB workers who may feel isolated in their own countries.  They also provide fertile settings for generating creative ideas for better implementation of FoRB ideals.  He has found remarkably effective ways to build networks that contribute to deepened understanding, strengthened networks, and positive law reform and policy initiatives.

King Husein participated in September 2019 in the High Level Business Roundtable Discussion on International Religious Freedom in New York City with the U.S. Ambassador at large for International Religious Freedom. He also spoke on the “Role of Religion in Business” at the Horasis Global Conference in Cascais, Portugal in 2018.

PayPal launches “Believe”

18 Jul, 2020

Fostering an Inclusive Workplace for All Faiths and Worldviews

PayPal is a purpose-driven company striving to be guided by a set of beliefs that they identify as the foundation for how they conduct business every day. Through their One Team Behaviors, PayPal aspires to hold the highest ethical standards, to empower an open and diverse corporate culture, and strive to treat everyone who is touched by their business with dignity and respect. Their employees challenge the status quo, ask questions, and find solutions. They seek to break down barriers to financial empowerment.

As part of this corporate culture, on July 7 PayPal launched “Believe,” an employee resource group for their Interfaith Diversity & Inclusion Community.

According to PayPal,

“We believe all employees have the right to bring their whole self to work. Faith and worldviews are core to who we are – our values and beliefs – and to how we conduct business. The mission of Believe is to foster an inclusive work culture and to promote holistic wellbeing by providing a forum to openly exercise and celebrate all faiths and worldviews while working. Believe exists to create awareness and understanding of faith, hope, love, empathy, respect for one another and service toward our customers, communities and co-workers.”

Believe’s core objectives are to:
• Embrace – Create a safe environment where our faith and worldviews are intrinsically valued and supported.
• Transcend – Increase understanding, awareness and cultural sensitivity to our diverse faiths and worldviews.
• Celebrate – Share our traditions and holidays in a fun and engaging way.
• Be Open to All – Welcome people of all faiths and worldviews, including all interested in experiencing or learning, so employees can bring their whole self to work.

Becky Pomerleau, a founding member of Believe, captured the spirit of Believe on its launch: “Beyond grateful and blessed to work for a company that values #faithinclusion and #faithdiversity. I believe #PayPal is well resourced and well positioned to solve the problems facing our world today, including religious and belief intolerance and social justice. My hope is that through Believe, our employees can freely bring their source of peace, hope, love, empathy and resilience to work, rather feeling the need to check it at the door.”

Made in China vs. Made in Heaven

14 Jul, 2020

China Can Increase Global Trust and Economic Growth by Embracing Greater Religious Freedom

Brian J. Grim (葛百彦), Ph.D.

Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States are deteriorating, with China’s military seeking a bigger budget amid what they see as a growing threat of a conflict with the US. Most of the areas of contention are well known. They range from decades long trade imbalances and intellectual property rights disputes to militarization of the South China Sea and US military support for Taiwan, which China regards as a breakaway province. One area that receives less attention but is at the heart of the differences between the world’s two largest economies is religion. In particular, religious freedom.

This came into sharp relief yesterday as China has announced penalties to be imposed on the US envoy for Religious Freedom along with other US legislators and the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), a bi-partisan panel that advises Congress and the administration on human rights matters in China. The move comes in response to legislation that prompted the US Treasury to sanction officials in China for mass internment, forced labor, coerced sterilizations, and forced renunciations of faith in China’s western region of Xinjiang among Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic minorities.

The United Nations estimates more than one million members of Muslim minority groups have been incarcerated in what China terms de-radicalization and retraining centers.

The US Treasury action follows legislation (H.R. 6210) ensuring that goods made with forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China do not enter the United States market, and for other purposes.

Religious repression not only is a precursor of greater conflict, as shown in my coauthored book The Price of Freedom Denied (Cambridge Univ. Press), but also a damper on economic growth and sustainability.

For example, in our research — which has been translated into Chinese by Fudan University — we find that religion spurred on by religious freedom annually contributes nearly $1.2 trillion of socio-economic value to the US economy. That is equivalent to being the world’s 15th largest national economy, putting it ahead of about 180 other countries. It’s more than the annual revenues of the world’s top 10 tech companies, including Apple, Amazon and Google. And it’s also more than 50% larger than that of the annual global revenues of America’s 6 largest oil and gas companies. So, you might say, that represents a lot of spiritually inspired fuel being pumped into the US economy. All of this is made possible because of religious freedom in the US.

By contrast, the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country’s ruling political party, not only prohibits its members from religious affiliation and practice, it has extreme controls put in place nationwide to control all religious expression. The aim is to produce a harmonious society recognizing the CPC ultimate source of the country’s vision, direction and success. Religion is under tight control because, by its very nature, calls for heavenly loyalties that are outside of the CPC’s control.

Of course, the CPC does not view heaven beyond its purview. They seek to determine who the next reincarnation of the Panchen Lama and Dalai Lama will be. They determine who can be in the apostolic line of succession, which the Roman Catholic Church views as the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive popes and bishops. They not only remove crosses from churches and minarets from mosques, but raze to the ground churches, mosques and temples deemed to be unauthorized. And, for security’s sake, they have incarcerated up to one million people in the far western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, primarily for exhibiting too much devotion to Islam.

Scientific research also shows that the ultimate outcome of high government restrictions on religious freedom is violence. Currently, religion-related violence in China is mostly in the form of the government controls and repression just mentioned. But in the volatile climate China finds itself in today, the data suggest that repression feeds resentment that will ultimately end in destabilizing violence.

All of that is bad for business. Data show that high restrictions on freedom of religion or belief damage or even destroy the World Economic Forum’s pillars of global competitiveness. For example, innovative strength is more than twice as high in countries where governments respect freedom of religion or belief.

One indicator of innovative strength is whether a country’s top entrepreneurs and successful business people stay in a country or leave it. Recent research shows which countries are losing or gaining millionaires through migration, with Australia gaining the most and China losing the most. The chart below shows how this compares with the level of government restrictions on religion and belief in a country.

The data show that China, the country with the highest government restrictions on religion – as measured by the Pew Research Center – is also losing the highest number of millionaires seeking freer, more secure opportunities elsewhere. And Australia, a country with low government restrictions on religion, is benefiting the most from this migration of talent and resources.

China’s ongoing crackdown on religion adds another weight dragging down what has been remarkable economic growth spurred on by the religious openness following the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s-1970s. In China, during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 70s, religion was outlawed and many people were persecuted for their beliefs. In the 1980s – 2000s there was an openness that resulted in the spread of religion, such that China is now home to the world’s second-largest religious population after India, according to demographic estimates.

It is important to get past the notion that China is an unreligious country just because the CPC is atheist by constitution. In fact, Pew Research data show that China in 2020 has about 2.5 times more religiously affiliated people (669.3 million) than does the United States (272.7 million). China is home to the world’s largest Buddhist population, largest folk religionist population, largest Taoist population, 7th largest Christian population, and 17th largest Muslim population (ranking between Yemen and Saudi Arabia in size) making China one of the world’s most religiously diverse nations—something which is also associated with economic growth.

In particular, the growth of Christianity and the growth of China’s economy may be related, according to a study in the China Economic Review. In the study, Qunyong Wang from the Institute of Statistics and Econometrics, Nankai University, Tianjin, and Xinyu Lin from Renmin University of China, Beijing, find that Christianity boosts China’s economic growth. Specifically, they find that robust growth occurs in areas of China where Christian congregations and institutions are prevalent. Moreover, many of China’s top universities and hospitals used to be missionary institutions.

If China were to deregulate religion, it would win the undying loyalty of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens, increase trust in the CPC, reduce tensions with the US, and set free a new wave of innovation and prosperity.  The bottom line is that religious freedom is both good for business and a safeguard of peace and stability — China’s and the world’s.

In an age of cancel culture, our task is to create a ‘context culture’

7 Jul, 2020
A protester holds a sign at a rally to defund the police outside of the Capitol in Salt Lake City on Monday, June 15, 2020. Kristin Murphy, Deseret News

Steve Hitz

Steve Hitz is a co-founder of Launching Leaders Worldwide, a nonprofit organization that provides young adults with tools for personal leadership and faith. He is also the founder and former CEO of U.S. Reports (now Afirm), which provides services for the commercial insurance industry in the United States and Canada. He is also a 2018 recipient of the Global Business & Interfaith Peace Award.

This article was originally published in Deseret News on June 28, 2020.

In a world that has been anxious over COVID-19, the economy, and now cries for equality and social justice, where can we find hope for a more a more positive culture of diversity, equality, and health? What can we do to alleviate the suffering, judgment, and unrest that is currently plaguing our world?

We are living in what has emerged as the “Cancel Culture.” I actually have friends who have lost friends simply because of a differing point of view. You may have experienced similar. Have we really come to this? Wouldn’t it be better to have a “Context Culture” where we follow some basic rules of decorum and keep our friends?

In hopes for a Context Culture I have assembled five points that may be helpful.  I don’t have all the answers, so my hope is that you will take the good in this and move the ball forward. Some of my points are already being been discussed in the public square (virtually of course), but I wish to add to the conversation to bring about more healing to our souls and the country. Read full article

  • 1. Move forward, but don’t forget the past.

  • 2. ALLOW diversity of thought.

  • 3. Listen with intent to know the heart of those we engage with.

  • 4. Don’t sit silently by while the world changes.

  • 5. We are not always right.

The Moment to Close America’s Hypocrisy Gap

7 Jul, 2020

Congressman Tom Lantos (1928–2008)

Katrina Lantos Swett

Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett is President of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice, which was established to carry on Congressman Tom Lantos’ legacy. She is also the former chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom from 2012 to 2013, and then in 2014 to 2015, and a juror for the biannual Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards.

“An American by choice” was the phrase my father, the late Congressman Tom Lantos, often used to describe himself. A Hungarian-born Jew who became the only Holocaust survivor ever to serve in the U.S. Congress, he focused his nearly three decades of service on the cause of human rights and justice. He believed that his adopted homeland possessed powerful moral stature, which we should use to fight for a more just, democratic and inclusive world.

Though my father loved and believed deeply in America, he was neither blind nor indifferent to its many flaws and failures — above all, its original sin of slavery and the centuries of persecution, discrimination and institutionalized racism that have followed. He spoke of American history as a long and painful journey to close what he termed “the hypocrisy gap”. By this, he meant the enormous and shameful chasm between the ennobling principles of equality and dignity enunciated in our founding documents and the bitterly disappointing reality of racism and other failures in America’s culture and systems.

Terrible and revelatory events have now shaken our nation and, perhaps, awoken us from our complacency and apathy towards the existing hypocrisy gap in America. We stand at a critical juncture, which will determine whether the chasm widens or whether we take meaningful steps to close it. I find myself thinking deeply about how my father would respond to this moment. Here is what I believe:

He would be heartbroken and outraged by the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many others like them at the hands of law enforcement. He would be appalled by and decry the ways in which our system has continued to perpetuate racism across many aspects of society, from policing, to education, to housing and the justice system.

He would thunder against any effort — from any quarter — to vilify, stifle or silence the largely peaceful protests that have spread across the country. Having lived under the brutality of both fascism and communism, he would not hesitate to raise his voice against injustice and in support of our precious right to speak out against it.

Moreover, I believe my father would be dismayed to see the way in which our nation’s failures undermine America’s ability to speak with moral authority about egregious and systemic abuses in closed and autocratic societies around the world. He would remind us that the fight for human rights must begin at home, and he would caution that the failure to live up to our ideals not only causes deep harm to our fellow Americans, particularly Black Americans and other communities of color, but also damages our credibility as a human rights leader fighting for other oppressed peoples of the world. As a former assistant secretary for democracy, human rights and labor has put it, recent events in America are the “biggest gift we could possibly have given to Putin or Xi Jinping and to every other dictator around the world who delights in arguing that America’s government is no different than theirs.”

I believe my father would reject efforts to draw a false moral equivalence between our flawed, but ultimately fixable nation, and countries where rule of law and basic rights simply do not exist. Yet, he would also disagree with those who do not recognize that our problems are not isolated or mere aberrations. He would quote Adlai Stevenson, who once said, “Solutions begin by telling the truth.” He would declare unequivocally that the time has come for America to face the truth: As a nation with a great capacity for self-renewal and improvement, we have narrowed the hypocrisy gap over our history; but we have much work left to do in order to live up to the ideals upon which this nation was built and the values of human rights and justice that we promote throughout the world.

Tom’s formative years as a new American coincided with the civil rights era, and he deeply admired and respected colleagues like Congressman John Lewis, who personally endured so much in the struggle for civil rights. He also felt a keen sense of pride that many of the most devoted allies of the civil rights movement came from the American Jewish community. These heroic figures inspired his own human rights activism, much in the same way his legacy now inspires me and many others.

Today, the sight of Americans of every color and background standing together to demand that our country live up to the full measure of our founding creed would stir my father deep in his soul. I have no doubt that he would add his eloquent voice to the call for profound reform and renewal in the country he so loved. He would urge us to use this historic moment to wrestle with the hard truths and make long overdue changes that will allow us to claim the phrase “all men [and women] are created equal” without hypocrisy.

I believe we can do the hard work required to close the hypocrisy gap and to “form a more perfect union”. In doing so, we will build the America that my father believed was possible and reclaim for America the hard-earned right to lead the world in the global fight for human rights and justice for all.

Religious Freedom & Business Film Festival

3 Jul, 2020


Join us for the 2020 Empower Women Media Film Festival and Awards cosponsored with the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.

The short films are artful and compelling explorations of the impact of freedom of religion and belief (FoRB) in the workplace and community. Whether inspired by real-life events or fictional stories, animated, or experimental, the films thoughtfully affirm that FoRB is good for business and thriving communities.

View Festival Brochure

(Limit: 100 participants)