Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


In an age of cancel culture, our task is to create a ‘context culture’

7 Jul, 2020
A protester holds a sign at a rally to defund the police outside of the Capitol in Salt Lake City on Monday, June 15, 2020. Kristin Murphy, Deseret News

Steve Hitz

Steve Hitz is a co-founder of Launching Leaders Worldwide, a nonprofit organization that provides young adults with tools for personal leadership and faith. He is also the founder and former CEO of U.S. Reports (now Afirm), which provides services for the commercial insurance industry in the United States and Canada. He is also a 2018 recipient of the Global Business & Interfaith Peace Award.

This article was originally published in Deseret News on June 28, 2020.

In a world that has been anxious over COVID-19, the economy, and now cries for equality and social justice, where can we find hope for a more a more positive culture of diversity, equality, and health? What can we do to alleviate the suffering, judgment, and unrest that is currently plaguing our world?

We are living in what has emerged as the “Cancel Culture.” I actually have friends who have lost friends simply because of a differing point of view. You may have experienced similar. Have we really come to this? Wouldn’t it be better to have a “Context Culture” where we follow some basic rules of decorum and keep our friends?

In hopes for a Context Culture I have assembled five points that may be helpful.  I don’t have all the answers, so my hope is that you will take the good in this and move the ball forward. Some of my points are already being been discussed in the public square (virtually of course), but I wish to add to the conversation to bring about more healing to our souls and the country. Read full article

  • 1. Move forward, but don’t forget the past.

  • 2. ALLOW diversity of thought.

  • 3. Listen with intent to know the heart of those we engage with.

  • 4. Don’t sit silently by while the world changes.

  • 5. We are not always right.