Human Aid Post Developmental Reporters. From left, Martin Park, Reporter Min Jin Kim, Brian Grim of RFBF hosted the event, Chang Jin Song, Reporter, Human Aid Post Yeonwoo Choi Representative ⓒ Human Aid
The ‘2018 Global Business Peace Award Ceremony’
World Peace Leaders’ festival scene ‘development disorder reporters’ very active
Kim Eun Kyung reporter | | 2018.03.16 18:06:03
Google Translate of Korean news report:
[Prime Economy] The ‘2018 Global Business Peace Prize Award Ceremony and Symposium‘ was held from 7th to 9th at the Grand Hilton Hotel in Seoul with 300 people participated by RFBF (Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, CEO Brian Grim).
The Peace Awards, awarded to top executives who have contributed to the development of world peace, include six categories: △ Core business △ Social investment and social contribution △ Peacekeeping and participation in public policy △ Partnership and joint efforts △ Corporate increase contributed to peace on the Korean peninsula △ Religious freedom and business film festival It was conducted in six sections.
After the awards ceremony, Human Aid Post reporters interviewed the organizers and winners about the impact of receiving the awards and the Paralympic Peace message. They also asked them about their thoughts about reporters with developmental disorders. Interviewees included award winners, Dr. Brian Grim and the judges.
They are currently working as media reporters for the developmental disabilities, as well as media activities such as editing “Easy-understanding News”.
Brian Grim, the organizer of the event, said, “In preparing this event, it was most important to share with people of various religions around the world how to make the world a better place for peace.” He said, “It is something everyone can do for peace right in the place where you are.”
The winners all reported being “honored and rewarded.” In particular, Stephen Hitz received ‘Excellence Youth Leadership Award’ in social investment and social contribution field. Steven Hitz said, “I worked for the Millennium generation, enjoyed it, loved it, and appreciated their potential, and this award is for them.”
Mark Woerde, the founder of Havas Lemz & Letsheal, who won the gold medal in the core business, said: “I could not do it alone, I hope that this award will make it easier to reach many religious leaders in the future. ”
Carlos Wizard Martins, head of Sforza Holding, a winner in the social investment and social contribution field, said: “We have been committed to peace, integration and peace, It was possible because of the effort of many.”
Finally, Ingrid Vanderveldt was awarded the Global Empowerment Award, said, “Having the awards ceremony on May 8th is more meaningful because it is the International Women’s Day. The Award shows that women’s equality and rights are being supported by the world.”
Regarding supporting the message of the Paralympic Games, Stephen A. Steven A. Hitz said, “Paralympians overcome difficulties showing life can offer good for everyone.”
Mark Woerde said, “Like you, we have been working with talented creators around the world to make the world a better place.”
Carlos Wizard Martins said, “If you try and overcome difficulties by yourself, success is slow, but by working together anyone can achieve.”
Ingrid Vanderveldt spoke encouragingly and cheered, “I am thankful and very proud of your work as journalists.”
The Awards — which included a keynote speech by former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as participation from business leaders, academics and religious leaders — are held every two years during the opening of the Paralympic Games. It was held in Pyeongchang, and a symposium was held from 1 pm on the 8th following the awards ceremony.
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