Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم

23 Apr, 2020

Resources and Inspirations

  • … from the archives of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As a Christian who lived in majority-Muslim societies for decades  — Xinjiang (China), Soviet Central Asia, Middle East — I’ve had the opportunity to experience a wide variety of Ramadans. Below are links to various videos in support of those fasting this month.

Let me know if you like this material. If so, we have more! Ramadan Kareem!!رمضان كريم

Brian Grim, President
Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF)

From Texas Instruments & RFBF Conference (link)

Mohammed Faris

Dallas, Texas, May 6, 2019: At the Religious Diversity & Inclusion event at Texas Instruments HQ cosponsored with the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, Mohammed Faris, the founder of the Productive Muslim Company, provides a practical framework that helps urban global Muslims lead a productive lifestyle Spiritually, Physically, and Socially.

Zonera Javed

Zonera Javed is an experienced Software Engineer with experience in factory automation and data engineering. Zonera recently obtained a Master of Science degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Robotics and Computational Perception from Georgia Institute of Technology. Her professional interests include image processing, computer vision and AI. Here, she shares her positive experience of being in a religiously inclusive workplace – Texas Instruments.

From Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards

H.E. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Global Business & Interfaith Peace medalist, former President of Zayed University and former CEO of Tejari, is a powerful force behind the UAE Pledge of Religious Tolerance adopted by government, civil society and business leaders. She not only works hand-in-hand with local Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Sikhs groups, but also with global political leaders and religious figures such as Pope Francis, helping the UAE become a world leader in interfaith action.

Sheikha Lubna’s acceptance speech:

H.E. Fouad Makhzoumi (link)

During a 15-year civil war in Lebanon, youth were led astray by religious fundamentalism foregoing education resulting in unemployment and economic stagnation. Fouad Makhzoumi, CEO of Future Pipes Industries Group Limited, witnessed how his son’s youthful energy and cross-cultural savvy – when brought in to lead the company – triggered exponential growth by providing a positive vision for productive and meaningful business. Makhzoumi and his foundation help empower people by harnessing youth and promoting religious freedom. For instance, his microcredit training for Lebanese of all faiths has helped over 10,000 set up sustainable businesses, and hundreds of thousands more are receiving vocational training.

Makhzoumi’s acceptance speech, كلمة المهندس فؤاد مخزومي خلال تسلمه جائزة السلام للأعمال العالمية

International Religious Freedom Business Roundtable, Bahrain

Middle East Business Leaders Pledge Support for Religious Freedom, Acceptance in the Workplace (link)

Manama, Dec. 8, 2019: Gathering together top business executives, government officials and religious leaders from across the region, the inaugural Middle East and North Africa International Religious Freedom Business Roundtable cohosted by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation and the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence launched a critical discussion around global peace and understanding through acceptance of religious expression in the workplace.

Let us know if you have thoughts or suggestions!