Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


How to Advance Religiously Inclusive Workplaces

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) is the preeminent organization dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power that faith and religious freedom for all (including those with no religious faith) have on workplaces and the economy.

RFBF is a non-partisan, nonpolitical, multi-faith registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States with work worldwide. It does not take a position on current political debates. See our Guide to Religion in the Workplace and our Guide for When a Company’s Public Positions are in Tension with Employees’ Beliefs.

Our Mission

Training & Consulting (link)

Corporate Faith-Friendly Movement (link)

Forums and Conferences (link)

Research (link)

Corporate Pledge (link)

Successful Examples (link)

Global Awards (link)

A Positive Approach (link)

Practical & Inspiring Insights (link)

Blog and Latest News (link)


Code of Ethics

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation adheres to strict ethical, anti-corruption and gender equality standards: Non-Discrimination Policy, Code of EthicsAnti-Corruption Policy, Privacy Policy, and Gender Equality Policy.