Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Bosch #3 Most Faith-Friendly Workplace in Global Fortune 500

9 Jun, 2023

By Brian Grim

I had the honor of presenting the REDI Index Faith-Friendly Workplace Award to Bosch on Wednesday at one of their key U.S. facilities in the Detroit Metro Area.

Thanks to the work of Interfaith@Bosch, Bosch is the #3 most faith-friendly workplace in the Global Fortune 500, according to the 2023 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index.

Interfaith@Bosch first joined the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation’s Dare to Overcome initiative during the pandemic when our global conference (slated to be in Tokyo during the 2020 Paralympic Games) was virtual.

Bosch representatives were not able to receive their award at the 2023 Dare to Overcome conference in Washington DC last month to recognized for their success in being a religiously inclusive workplace, so we took the award to them!

The vision of Interfaith@Bosch is to promote understanding and respect for the diverse faiths, religions, and spiritual beliefs represented at Bosch through networking and dialogues, which foster increased awareness and acceptance of all.

Interfaith@Bosch was launched in 2017, with more than 1,800 in more than 37 countries where Bosch offices are located.

Participants in the on-site awards presentation included Interfaith Executive Sponsors, Steering Committee and Management Board from Detroit, Chicago, Charleston and Sunnyvale, and HR colleagues. The Interfaith@Bosch leadership comes from various functional roles: Regional President, VP Sales, Engineering Directors, IT, Finance, etc.

Click here for more information on LinkedIn.