Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


MBS: Master of Business on the Streets, from Interweave


Religious Freedom & Business Foundation and Interweave Solutions Join Forces in Empowerment+

Empowerment+ (Plus) interfaith action groups help participants gain practical life and career skills that focus on more than just finding a job, but on a vocation that is meaningful and fulfilling.

To earn an MBS (Masters of business on the Streets) requires an MBS Self-Help Group of 5-15 people with a desire to start and/or grow a small business. They earn their MBS certificate by participating in 15 weekly classes led by a certified local Success Ambassador.

You can join the group at any time in the 15-week training cycle. Each week you have to learn a new business concept, establish weekly commitments and give reports on how to implement the goals you worked on last week

Becoming a Success Ambassador is a first step toward starting an Empowerment+ interfaith community in your area.

Looking for Success Ambassadors to Coordinate Interfaith MBS

The first step in getting the MBS program going in your community is to have one or more committed Success Ambassadors. These committed social entrepreneurs for MBS self-help groups. They not only take the MBS online course and meet the MBS requirements, but are also trained to become a certified Success Ambassador.

Available in English, Arabic & Spanish

The Master of Business on the Streets from Interweave is one component of the wider Empowerment+ program.

“Many economic and social problems are overcome when people of different religions and beliefs work together in faith and action.” Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.

“We chose to partner with Interweave Solutions because they have a proven track record of working with people of various faiths and national backgrounds,” said Grim.

Empowerment+ interfaith action groups are not just about receiving love and help but also about the transformative opportunity to become part of a neighborly faith-inspired community that loves and helps others, including immigrants and refugees.

The inspiration for Empowerment+ comes from the famous story about loving our neighbors – The Good Samaritan.

Although the Good Samaritan was a foreigner with a foreign religion, his care for the man left to die by the side of the road is the example of love we are called to show to others regardless of their faith or background.

Getting Your MBS

After the 15 week class session, if you meet the MBS requirements and are approved for compliance by Interweave’s international staff, then you will receive a joint certificate from Interweave Solutions and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.

Graduates will then set a schedule to meet regularly to act as a mini-chamber of business to solve local business problems such as street trash or crime. Within the group, the participants hold each other accountable for the course commitments and can invite other professionals from the community to speak.

Groups are encouraged to use each other’s expertise as well as the resources of their community as needed to grow and learn.

More Information:

For more information on Empowerment+: Email

Email to enroll or to start or join an MBS group. Mention this is part of starting anEmpowerment+ (Plus) interfaith action group.

Interweave Solutions – as part of an Empowerment+ Interfaith Action Group – can help your Business groups succeed. Here is what the program offers:

These manuals are designed to guide facilitators (without the need of previous experience) to conduct an interactive and successful self-reliance group. The manual takes you through the lessons that help participants have the tools they need to improve or start their own business. Participants are encouraged customize the program to meet their needs. The Interweave program encourages participants to include all areas which may affect their businesses, including their home life and community.

The last lesson of the business manual gives instruction on how to personalize your group and keep it growing for years to come.


The participant manual is a way for group members to track their goals and progress as they participate in the lessons. It is their own personal journal to self-reliance and success. It is a place to write down the steps needed and commit to taking the actions necessary to succeed. Participants can have access to important information from our curriculum and can customize this information in their own manual. The participant manuals are a great way to keep group members motivated and on track. They are affordable and a great addition for your self-reliance parent group.

Example: Evelyne wasn’t always a successful business owner. For eight years she ran her business, but kept no records. She could never get ahead. Then she joined an Interweave Self-Reliance Group that makes it possible to receive a Masters of Business in the Street, MBS certificate. She now keeps records, has doubled her customers, and makes a steady profit. She is a successful business owner.


Our flip charts contain images that group facilitators can use to guide a discussion with ease. The purpose of the images is to stimulate the discussion of the group. Pictures are used in our FAMA model of teaching. FAMA is an acronym that stands for Facts, Association, Meaning and Action. In this model a picture is shown as a code which participants can use as a visual aid to stimulate meaningful conversations that promote action towards group goals. Target questions regarding these images are used as discussion tools that will enrich conversations among group participants.


Our Powerpoint Presentations have images for each lesson in our Success! for Business curriculum. If you are facilitating  a big group and have the necessary access and equipment these powerpoint’s can be a great tool to enhance your group sessions. You could use them in auditoriums to facilitate staff trainings and group meetings.


Interweave programs around the world can benefit from the latest research and training offered by Interweave. Interweave provides up to date information through our website and our online training courses. You can also join and collaborate with other MBS Success Ambassadors around the world by joining our social media groups.


The interweave solutions self-reliance program is meant to be personalized to meet the needs of your participants. The program teaches participants how to become successful as a group that strives to learn essential business principles and reach self-reliance. As a program you will decide who the facilitator of the group will be and who you would like to invite to participate. You will also decide the curriculum and topics you want to cover with your group. You can choose to cover many topics from the areas of Home, Community, Education and Business.

Interweave Staff at Work