Empowerment Plus: Global Vision
Helping those experiencing a wide range of socio-economic risks including displacement, unemployment, isolation, crime, addiction and extremism through integration, empowerment & self-reliance.
Objective: Create transferable resources, networks and trainings that equip and activate volunteers in faith organizations, businesses and other groups in society to help vulnerable people become spiritually and temporally self-reliant
Actions: Pilot this initiative in London and then roll it out globally in several phases
Standing Up the Initiative:
- – Enlist a team of experts and practitioners to create an interfaith version of the self-reliance materials
- – Create a global advisory board composed of top religious and business leaders who collectively represent each continent, important religious groups, and major industry sectors, and host a meeting of the board to officially launch the initiative
- – Secure institutional partners and funders that can ensure globalization of the initiative
UK Pilot
- – Design and carry out the pilot – including an objective evaluation – in collaboration with key religious, academic, civil society, business and government stakeholders in the UK
- – Enlist point people for the next rollout phase from selected target areas to follow and observe the UK pilot
Rollout Phase 1 – Extended Pilots in Europe
- – Revise the materials and procedures based on the results of the pilot
- – Repeat the pilot in the UK with existing partners helping to bring on board new collaborators
- – Expand the pilot to other cities in the United Kingdom (e.g., Birmingham) and Europe (e.g., Brussels, Paris, Stockholm, Berlin, Rome, Athens)
- – Develop the infrastructure needed to support the volunteer initiative in Europe
Rollout Phase 2 – Expansion to a Region
- – Revise the materials and procedures based on the results of the extended pilots
- – Work with global collaborators to expand the initiative to cities in a region (Asia-Pacific or Sub-Saharan Africa)
- – Develop the infrastructure needed to support the volunteer initiative in the region
Rollout Phase 3 – Expansion Worldwide Region-by-Region
- – Work with global collaborators to expand the initiative through their worldwide networks
- – Develop the infrastructure needed to support the volunteer initiative worldwide