Working for workplace religious diversity, equity & inclusion


Faith@Work ERG Conference 2021

2021 Program

The 2021 program — to be held Feb. 9th-11th, 2021, also at the Busch School — builds on the 2020 Faith@Work conference at the Busch School and the 2019 Faith@Work conference at the corporate HQ of Texas Instruments in Dallas. The 2021 program will include parallel tracks for faith-oriented ERGs as well as workplace chaplains and faith and AI.

Attending the conference were many Fortune 500 companies leading the way on Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI). The top scoring companies from the Fortune 100 were on hand to receive awards for embracing the work of their faith-and-belief Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and, in some cases, their workplace chaplains. Register today!