Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Invitation: Ford Interfaith Network National Day Of Prayer 2023

25 Apr, 2023

The Ford Interfaith Network extends a warm invitation to their flagship event:

National Day Of Prayer 2023

Praying Fervently in Faith Has Great Impact

  • – Thursday, May 4, 2023
  • – 11:30am-12:30pm (EST)
  • Virtual Webcast
  • Click here for log on help for an off-network connection, without Cisco AnyConnect enabled.

* Open to the Public *

The Ford Interfaith Network (FIN) aims to assist the Ford Motor Company in becoming a worldwide corporate leader in promoting religious inclusion and understanding, corporate integrity, and human dignity.

For the last 22 years, FIN has hosted the National Day of Prayer as a lunchtime event commemorating the 1952 proclamation signed into law by President Truman.

Ford Motor Company respects the role faith plays in the lives of employees and the FIN board hopes you will join us for a time of reflection, reverence and learning. We look forward to celebrating each faith that comprises FIN and the collective strength, belonging, and peace this time fosters for us.

Ford is a also sponsor of the 4th National Faith@Work ERG conference Dare to Overcome. Come and meet their team in person in Washington DC, May 22-24, 2023.