Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Top 3 reasons to come to our Faith@Work ERG conference

22 Mar, 2023

In short, “This is the epicenter of what’s happening in our communities and in our corporations.”

The top reasons for coming to the 4th annual Faith@Work National ERG Conference, in the words of participants, are:

(1) It’s life-changing for me to be able to hear all of the other companies and collaborate with all of the other companies and hear about all of the things that they’re doing. It’s amazing to hear the stories. It’s confirming that what we are doing is important and that we’re not alone. We are going to go back home after this conference and we are going to have energy, we are going to have ideas.

(2) It is absolutely worth investing in this. The team that we brought to the table is learning a tremendous amount of what we can do inside our organization to be more effective in helping people express their faith at work. That’s huge.

(3) Anyone that’s a part of a faith-based employee resource groups should be here. This is the epicenter of what’s happening in our communities and in our corporations.

Even if religion is not your thing, the conference is essential because “there are so many people on the planet who express a belief system, and if you want to be able to do business on a global level today, you have to be able to talk to those people and the people here are the people who can help you talk to those people.”

Participants in the videos above & below (and in the bullets below) share more reasons why “this conference is just so full of energy. It’s a breath of fresh air” that provides “thought leadership here that I’ve not found anywhere else in the world.”

Join us May 22-24, 2023, at The Busch School of Business to participate with business leaders from Fortune 500 companies who are stressing how important and useful the Dare to Overcome conference is for anyone interested in helping their company include faith as part of their culture and religious inclusion commitments.

More testimonies:

— I’ve met people from all over the world in numerous different corporations around the world that have a common interest in this just as I do, and they have a passion toward this. This is a true passion in people’s lives and when you can bring them together and they can learn from one another in my face. We call iron sharpening the iron and that’s what happens here. We grow together and we share together, and we get better together.

— It’s comforting, it genuinely is, and it makes you feel like there’s more people fighting the fight that you’re fighting.

— You know, the best part is just seeing what other companies are doing. I’ve seen great things around chaplaincy. I’ve seen great things around companies really empowering their workforce.

— The best part of this conference for me has been really having the opportunity to connect with just really incredible people from around the world. People who are leading Faith ERGs, leading opportunities to really connect with people at a deeper human level and looking at ways of how do we bring our full selves to work? And what does that look like? And so, those best practices and insights have been really, really exciting.

— This is important for companies who really care about their employees who want to be able to build resilience to have an efficient workforce, a very effective workforce.