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World Economic Forum partners with Religious Freedom & Business Foundation on Strategic Intelligence

7 Sep, 2020

IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Washington DC and Geneva): World Economic Forum’s Strategic Intelligence platform partners with Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Religion’s impact is increasing globally on economies, politics and societies. New  strategic intelligence partnership focuses on role of religion.

“Understanding the intricate independencies between religious freedom and healthy, prosperous societies is a key factor in realizing their full potential.”
— Jim Landale, World Economic Forum

We are pleased to announce today a new partnership with the World Economic Forum’s Strategic Intelligence platform. The platform features research and analysis from leading global think tanks, universities, civil society organizations, and research institutions through the Forum’s network of content partners. The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation has joined the Strategic Intelligence Content Partner network to contribute towards insights relating to the Role of Religion.

“As religious diversity and religious populations grow, so does their impact, creating new challenges and opportunities for societies, governments and economies,” says Dr. Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF). “For a number of years RFBF has been working with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to help business leaders and policy makers better understand the role of religion in today’s world — both the contributions of religious freedom (for all) as well as challenges posed by religion-related violence and intolerance,” Grim said. “We are glad to see this collaboration take this new step forward.”

Jim Landale, Head of Content and Partnerships, Strategic Intelligence, World Economic Forum, states that “the role that religion and inter-faith dialogue can play in tackling global challenges, whether related to the environment, healthcare, peace and security, or supporting fair economic growth, is under-appreciated in some quarters. And, understanding the intricate independencies between religious freedom and healthy, prosperous societies is a key factor in realizing their full potential.”

Landale goes on to state, “That is why the World Economic Forum’s Strategic Intelligence platform is so pleased to welcome the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation as one of its content partners. Users of the platform will now have access to the Foundation’s content across its 260+ topic maps, where relevant.”

Recent research contributed by RFBF to the Strategic Intelligence platform includes:

  • — Value of Faith-based Recovery Support? $316 Billion (link)
  • — $1.2 Trillion Religious Economy in US (link)
  • — Religious Freedom Is An Economic Asset in the Asia-Pacific Region (link)
  • — Do you know someone of a different religion or belief than yours? (link)
  • — The Virtue Gap (link)
  • — Religious Freedom is Good for Business – Dr. Brian Grim (link)

You can connect to Strategic Intelligence on the web or download the Strategic IQ app on your mobile device to learn more. See more on RFBF’s previous work with WEF here, and see video below for a discussion at Davos on the role of faith. (See EIN Press Release.)