Working for workplace religious diversity, equity & inclusion


“Film Your Faith” $20K Contest

2 Sep, 2020

The Call: From

I’m pleased to share this opportunity provided by our partner organization, FaithCounts!

Brian Grim, RFBF President

What does the world look like through your unique lens of faith? Pull out your phone, grab your camera gear, tap record, and show us in two minutes or less how faith changes lives, relationships and communities for the better.

2020 Film Your Faith Fact Sheet

We believe that faith is more than a tradition or a group of sayings that inspire for a moment and then leave you empty. Faith is a living, breathing, life-lifting, incredible thing vital to today’s culture in its many forms. The fruits of faith are still fresh today.

So tell a story that makes us laugh, brings us to tears, inspires, entertains, or all of the above. Let your imagination run wild and your camera follow. You don’t have to be the next Spielberg to play — you just need a phone and an idea.

Full details: