Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Monthly Archives: January 2020


30 Jan, 2020


Contact: Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, – +1.410.268.7809

Google Tops New Religious Inclusion Rankings

Most Fortune 100 Companies Neglect Faith-Friendly Workplace Initiatives

New Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Index Gives High Marks to Several Tech, Financial Firms and Other Fortune 100 Brands 

Index Finds Corporations Continue to Overlook Religious Inclusion, with More than Half of the Fortune 100 Making No Public Mention of Faith as Part of Diversity Initiatives

(ANNAPOLIS, MD) – A new annual ranking of Fortune 100 companies shows many fail to include faith and religion as part of corporate diversity initiatives. The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation’s new Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Index, released today, gives high marks to major companies like Google/Alphabet, Tyson Foods, and Intel for taking steps to recognize the importance of faith in the lives of employees.

The REDI Index establishes a new benchmark for annual assessment of the state of corporate America’s inclusion of religion as an integral part of its diversity initiatives. Despite a positive faith-friendly trend emerging in a number of major corporations, the REDI Index also exposed striking shortfalls among Fortune 100 companies. Most companies on the list continue to overlook religious inclusion in favor of prioritizing other important diversity classifications such as race, sexual orientation, disability and others.

“Companies scoring well on the REDI Index are using a variety of innovative programs to make faith expressions more welcome in the workplace, creating a more inclusive environment,” said Dr. Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. The Foundation is the leading global authority on issues surrounding how faith contributes to global business and economic success.

Each of the top ten companies encourage respectful religious expression in the workplace ranging from the development of faith-based Employee Resource Groups to having corporate chaplains. The top ten companies in the 2020 REDI Index raking are:

  • 1. Google/Alphabet
  • 2. Intel (tie)
  • 2. Tyson Foods (tie)
  • 4. Target
  • 5. American Airlines (tie)
  • 5. Facebook (tie)
  • 7. Apple
  • 8. Dell
  • 9. American Express (tie)
  • 9. Goldman Sachs (tie)

Alphabet/Google scored highest on the 2020 REDI Index because of the number and diversity of faith- and belief-based Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) mentioned on the company’s website. Google has established an Inter Belief Network (IBN) that aims to create a culture of inclusion, tolerance, and mutual understanding at the company. IBN consists of multiple member chapters representing specific communities of interest, including but not limited to Buddhists, Christians, Jewglers [Google’s term], and Muslims. Google’s IBN also aims to ensure that the voices of belief-based communities are represented in Google’s products.

Tied for second in the ranking, Tyson Foods openly welcomes what they call “the whole person,” when it comes to matters of faith, even fully including those who don’t identify as “religious.” The company has ninety-eight dedicated chaplains that can provide compassionate pastoral care to team members and their families, no matter what their religious affiliation or beliefs.

While some of the biggest brands have begun recognizing that respect for faith expression is vital to recruitment, retention and creating a productive work environment, the majority of Fortune 100 companies have yet to account for the value of faith-friendly workplaces. The REDI Index revealed that outside of the top ten, many Fortune 100 companies fail to include religion as compared to other major identity categories: race/ethnicity, women/gender, sexual orientation, veterans/military, dis/ability, age, and family. “With religious affiliation and diversity continuing to grow world-wide between now and 2050, companies that fail to understand the value of a religiously inclusive workplace are increasingly at a competitive disadvantage,” stated Grim.

REDI Index Top Line Findings include:

  • – 57 of the Fortune 100’s diversity landing pages fail to make a single mention of faith or religion.
  • – Race or Ethnic Diversity is mentioned more than 1000 times across company public platforms, but religion only 92.
  • – Fewer than 1-in-5 (18-percent) of companies mention having faith-related Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
  • – Of 775 ERGs touted by companies, only 5% are related to faith, interfaith, religion or specific religions
  • – Companies that include faith in diversity programs are overall more inclusive, including LGBTQ inclusion

“Failing to foster religious inclusion can be costly. In 2017, there was a $25 million court finding against Hilton for not reasonably accommodating the religious needs of a dishwasher. A high-profile Supreme Court decision was also rendered against Abercrombie & Fitch for putting their ‘looks policy’ above religious nondiscrimination. Going beyond the minimum legal requirements, employers are increasingly promoting religious diversity and inclusion in order to strengthen employee recruitment and retention,” Grim said.

“While companies still have a long way to go to be faith-friendly, with major brands like Walmart, Salesforce, PayPal and others also starting to make this a priority, we are at a tipping point at which we will very likely see greater momentum on this issue in the near future. That’s a great thing for business, especially because it means better, more inclusive workplaces for employees,” said Grim.

The full study, including its methodology and the rankings of all Fortune 100 companies can be found at:

Next month, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in conjunction with the Busch School of Business at Catholic University will hold a groundbreaking conference in Washington DC, “Bringing Your Faith to Work,” for employees and executives to discuss the importance of corporate programs that foster religious inclusion. It will feature executives and members of faith-oriented Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) sharing best practices, challenges and opportunities.


The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is the preeminent organization dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power faith and religious freedom for all have on business and the economy. RFBF believes that business and religious freedom combine to form a powerful force for a better world. Through groundbreaking expert research, training programs, practical business tools and convening interfaith dialogue, RFBF helps demonstrate the critical link between respect for faith, successful enterprise and dynamic national economies. RFBF’s pioneering work serves as a catalyst for executives to promote Freedom of Religion or Belief for all people through employee programing, customer-facing policies, and leveraging their broader societal influence. RFBF is a non-partisan, non-political registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. For more information or to get involved visit

Jobs – Helping Those With Disabilities at 2020 Tokyo Paralympics

18 Jan, 2020

IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tokyo: The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is taking the interfaith ‘job search skills’ course we piloted in Manchester — with support there from former Manchester United’s Manager Sir Alex Ferguson — to Tokyo!

In Japan, the program will help people with physical challenges have enhanced skills to find and get better jobs.

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) is pleased to announce that it will team up with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to provide materials to help physically challenged workers and others find a better job. Several workshops, sponsored by Dare to Overcome, will be held prior to and following the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo.

This builds on RFBF’s Empowerment-Plus program, which also involved collaboration with Latter-day Saints in using the same program to help people of different faiths and beliefs come together in Manchester, UK, to help each other find better employment. The program in Manchester also partnered with non-denominational Launching Leaders to offer personal development courses for young adults in a multi-faith setting, together with the Catholic, Muslim and Jewish Chaplaincies at Manchester University (see video with Launching Leaders Graduation at end). We also offer Launching Leaders in three regions of Africa in partnership with URI.

In Japan, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will translate an Interfaith version of a workbook used in its self-reliance program entitled, ‘Get the Job You Want’. This is a 12-lesson seminar aimed at helping the under- or unemployed prepare themselves for a successful job search by becoming their best selves through working with God, their families, and communities. Participants will learn the importance of giving back to their families and community after achieving success.

Topics covered during the two-hour, weekly course include: basics of a job search, networking, matching skills to employer needs, writing a resume, and interviewing. This interactive course is led by a facilitator who will help prepare participants for success in finding a better job. Plans are to hold workshops at multiple locations in the Tokyo area. The Church will print and provide 400 manuals for the seminars.

Darwin Halvorson, Asia North Area Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has served as a workshop facilitator many times. “One of the best results of the workshops is that most participants find jobs in less time than they would have without attending the group. At first, participants are hesitant and apprehensive. Soon, they relax, become energized and find hope. That is why they get excited. It helps them build confidence to find a job,” he added.

Dare to Overcome is a global business and peace symposium held biannually in support of the Paralympic Movement and people with disabilities. This symposium will be held at the start of the Summer 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo (Aug. 23-25). Dare to Overcome supports the mission of the Paralympic movement, in particular, to bring peace and empower those who face a variety of physical disabilities to succeed.

To get involved, email RFBF at:

Empowerment-Plus Graduation, Manchester, UK

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) is a non-partisan, nonpolitical, registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States, dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power faith — and religious freedom for all — has on business and the economy.