Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Brazil: RFBF affiliate president speaks at Faithforce Brazil

9 Nov, 2019

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, through its affiliate in Brazil, was invited by Salesforce’s Faithforce in Brazil to conduct an interactive event with local employees about faith in the workplace. The event took place on November 7th at the office in São Paulo.

Ricardo Cerqueira Leite, the President of the Brazilian Religious Freedom & Business Foundation affiliate was the keynote speaker.

Such event is part of the initiative of Faithforce group at Salesforce. The event followed the roundtable model, in which information was provided by RFBF with regards international scenario on restrictions on freedom of conscience and belief so participants could add their own view, experiences and how the business community can take the lead to reduce those restrictions.

Ricardo Cerqueira Leite noted that “this event illustrates what companies can do to support religious diversity and inclusion in the work place.”

One of the newest and the fastest growing Equality Groups at Salesforce is Faithforce. Founded in 2017, Faithforce has over 2000 members in 12 regional hubs across 5 continents and is growing fast.

Faithforce is the interfaith employee resource group at Salesforce focused on celebrating, supporting and fostering understanding of our global faith and spiritual diversity through inclusive and educational events and initiatives.

Faithforce champions faith diversity & inclusion, interfaith & intersectional collaboration and allyship across the company. The goal of Faithforce is to cultivate a culture of empathy, respect and belonging at Salesforce for people from all faiths, backgrounds, traditions and worldviews. All are welcome.

View Sue Warnke’s comments at the Religious Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Symposium, Worldwide Headquarters of Texas Instruments, May 6, 2019, cosponsored by TI and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.