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Monthly Archives: January 2018

Davos: The Power of Faith (live video)

27 Jan, 2018

What faith-based narratives have the potential to emphasize the value of pluralism while promoting a sense of belonging and unity? This session was live-streamed from Davos on Jan. 26, 2018, as part of the formal program of the 2018 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. It is available on TopLink and the Forum website.



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  • Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

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  • Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

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  • Zaytuna College

Why Trump should address religious freedom at Davos

23 Jan, 2018

Brian Grim, at the World Economic Forum in Davos

Image from White House homepage links to  Jan. 16, 2018 Presidential Declaration

Davos is not a particularly friendly place for Pres. Donald Trump and his mission ‘to make America great again.’ The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum attracts a fair number of people who see Trump’s vision as nationalistic and counterproductive to the type of global cooperation espoused here – working together to solve the world’s problems. This is the very type of cooperation Pope Francis called for in his address (read by Cardinal Turkson). Significantly, Pope Francis’s comments were the first to be made at this year’s meeting.

It is commendable that Pres. Trump is willing to come face a crowd this Friday that is not likely to cheer his vision. To be clear, this is a risky gamble that could backfire. Yet, it might be a forum where the ‘businessman side’ of the President connects with the massive gathering of CEOs and world leaders.

This gathering affords Pres. Trump the opportunity to tout America’s economic vibrancy as well as the civic virtues that have made the U.S. a model for many in the world. One such civic virtue is religious freedom and how it is a pillar of America’s economic vibrancy.

Religious freedom in the United States sets religious organizations and people free to annually contribute nearly $1.2 trillion of socio-economic value to the U.S. economy, according to a September 2016 first-of-its-kind study published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (see wide global press coverage of the study).

  • — That is equivalent to being the world’s 15th largest national economy, putting it ahead of about 180 other countries.
  • — It’s more than the annual revenues of the world’s top 10 tech companies, including Apple, Amazon and Google.
  • — And it’s also more than 50% larger than that of the annual global revenues of America’s 6 largest oil and gas companies.

So – you might say – that represents a lot of spiritually inspired fuel being pumped into the U.S. economy.

Religion does play a unique role in the socio-economic behaviors of Americans. For example, adults who are highly religious are significantly more likely than those who are less religious to report they did volunteer work and made donations to the poor in the past week, according to the Pew Research Center.

The contributions of religion to American society fall into three general categories:

  • — $418 billion from religious congregations
  • — $303 billion from other religious institutions
  • — $437 billion from faith-based, faith-related or faith-inspired businesses

All these figures come from a careful analysis of survey and financial data from a wide range of national sources detailed in the research article in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, including:

  • — National Congregations Study
  • — Religious Congregations and Membership Study
  • — Private School Universe Survey
  • — Institution of Education Sciences
  • — Becker’s Hospital Review
  • — Revenue reports of faith-based health organizations, charities & businesses
  • — Faith-related business data by Oxford University’s Said Business School Professor Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
  • — Congregational “halo effect” analysis by University of Pennsylvania Professor Ram Cnaan
  • — World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith

Each year congregations spend $84 billion on their operations ranging from paying hundreds of thousands of personnel, to paying for goods and service as diverse as flowers, sounds systems, maintenance, and utilities. Almost all being spent right in the local community.

Schools attached to congregations employ 420,000 full time teachers and train 4.5 million students each year. By comparison this is the same number as the total population of Ireland or New Zealand.

Congregations are like magnets attracting economic activity ranging from weddings, as I’ve already mentioned and can give personal detail on, to lectures, congresses, and even tourism. For instance, 120,000 congregations report that people visit them to view their art and architecture.

And most importantly, it’s what congregations do in their communities that makes the biggest socio-economic contribution. These programs impact individuals and families in a variety of important ways. For example:

  • — Congregations provide 130,000 alcohol recovery programs such as The Saddleback Church “Celebrate Recovery” program that has helped over 27,000 individuals over the past 25 years.
  • — Congregations provide 120,000 programs to help the unemployed. For example, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has employment service centers in each of their stakes across the country (and across the world), for that matter.

Some of this work runs counter to stereotypes some may have about religious groups. For instance,

  • — Nearly 26,000 congregations are engaged in some form of active ministry to help people living with HIV-AIDS. That makes one HIV-AIDS ministry for every 46 people who are HIV positive. Just this past weekend on 9/11, under the sponsorship of Walgreen’s and the “First Ladies” (pastors’ wives) of Chicago, nearly 50 Chicago churches hosted free screening for HIV and other diseases.
  • — In fact, the data show that congregations overwhelmingly include a society-building, outward community focus, with over 320,000 congregations helping to recruit volunteers for programs outside their walls, to non-religious groups, ranging from Big Brothers and Big Sisters to the United Way and the American Red Cross.

One story among thousands of how a congregational school impacts individuals who then impact the community for good comes from inner city Newark, NJ. St. Benedict’s Prep readies 530 mostly poor, mostly minority boys for college and beyond. In an area where public schools are working hard just to keep young men from ending up in gangs, in jail or dead, St. Benedict’s sends 95% of its graduates to college, including a sizable number to Ivy League schools.

And graduates, such as Uriel Burwell, return to make an impact. Upon graduating from Drew University, Uriel returned to his childhood neighborhood to build 50 new affordable houses, rehabilitate more than 30 homes and attracted more than $3 million funding to build additional affordable homes and apartments in the area.

Religious Institutions: If we extend our view beyond what happens at local congregations and schools, we can find tens of thousands of other religiously-affiliated charities, health care facilities, and institutions of higher learning also doing these sorts of good works every day. These add another $303 billion of socio-economic impact to the US economy each year. These includes:

  • — Charities such as the Knights of Columbus whose 1.5 million members respond to disasters and other human needs
  • — Health care services such as provided by the Adventist Health Systems which employ 78,000 people in 46 hospitals
  • — Institutions of higher education such as Brandeis University which is one of thousands of religiously-based colleges throughout the country
  • — I could go on for hours describing such as institutions as Islamic Relief USA, which responded to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, by hiring 20 local staff and distributing 135,000 gallons of water during the height of the water crisis.
  • — Rather than continuing to give examples, I will now move to the third sector, business

Businesses: Religion related business add another $438 billion to the US economy each year. These include faith-based businesses, ranging from the Halal and Kosher food industries to religious media such as EWTN and the Christian Broadcast Network.

The largest group within this sector are not religious companies, per se, but are faith-inspired or religion-friendly companies. Tyson’s Foods, for example, employs a large force of chaplains for their multi-religious workforce.

Across the country there are associations of CEOs who seek to put the moral and ethical teachings of their faith to practice in their business. One such association is C12 with over 2,500 members, some of whom have business worth billions of dollars.

Let me conclude with example showing how one American CEO, motivated by his faith, has started a company in Mozambique that not only stocks the shelves of America’s major food stores – from Giant and Wegmans to Whole Foods and H.E.B. – but empowers tens of thousands of people. His innovative business model is based on what he calls a “reverse tithe” – where 90% of profits go back into the local community. That means many American consumers are participating in a faith endeavor, perhaps unaware.

As President Trump comes, I for one hope it warms global relations by his sharing about some of America’s tremendous civic virtues, like freedom of religion or belief for all.

Pope Francis’s message to Davos 2018 in Bullet Points

23 Jan, 2018


These are selected points from a prepared speech read at Davos by Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Invited Pope Francis’s Participation

  • — “The theme chosen for this year’s Forum – Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World – is very timely. I trust that it will assist in guiding your deliberations as you seek better foundations for building inclusive, just and supportive societies, capable of restoring dignity to those who live with great uncertainty and who are unable to dream of a better world.”
  • — The recurring financial instabilities have brought new problems and serious challenges that governments must confront, such as the growth of unemployment, the increase in various forms of poverty, the widening of the socio-economic gap and new forms of slavery, often rooted in situations of conflict, migration and various social problems.
  • — In this context, it is vital to safeguard the dignity of the human person, in particular by offering to all people real opportunities for integral human development and by implementing economic policies that favour the family.
  • — So too artificial intelligence, robotics and other technological innovations must be so employed that they contribute to the service of humanity and to the protection of our common home, rather than to the contrary, as some assessments unfortunately foresee.
  • — It is a moral imperative, a responsibility that involves everyone, to create the right conditions to allow each person to live in a dignified manner.
  • — Now is the time to take courageous and bold steps for our beloved planet. This is the right moment to put into action our responsibility to contribute to the development of humanity.”

From the Vatican, 12th January 2018

As North & South Korea Olympic talks open door, Ban Ki-moon to keynote Business & Peace Symposium

9 Jan, 2018

At their first meeting in two years, North and South Korea agreed to defuse tensions, beginning with the North’s participation in the Olympics. This makes a reality of the hope stated repeatedly by Korean authorities and the PyeongChang Winter Olympic organizers that this would be the Olympics of Peace.

As part of this peace initiative, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation — in collaboration with the Global Compact Network Korea, the United Nations Global Compact Business (UNGC) for Peace platform, and the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) — will hold a global business and peace symposium as the Winter Olympics close and the Winter Paralympics begin.

Former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will keynote the March 7-8 Global Business & Peace Symposium. H.E. Ban Ki-moon established the Business for Peace platform in 2013 within the UNGC, the world’s largest corporate member organization committed to the Sustainable Development Goals, which notably include SGD 16 (Peace).

Soon after the establishment of Business for Peace, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation launched the Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards, which are given out in the host country of each Summer and Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The inaugural awards were given the day before the opening of the Rio Paralympics, and this year’s awards will be given in Seoul the day before the opening of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics.

The awards will be given along with other awards at the 2018 Global Business and Peace Symposium. Special honors will be given to business leaders who have worked to advance peace with North Korea, including some involved with the Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC), located inside North Korea just across the demilitarized zone from South Korea. The project was launched in 2004, largely financed by the South to increase co-operation. The Complex was abruptly closed on February 10, 2016 by former Korean President Park Geun-hye’s administration. The incumbent President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, has indicated a desire to “reopen and expand” the region. Of course, that now depends on progress with the security situation.

Pictured at left is H.E. Ban Ki-moon reviewing the details of the Global Business & Peace Symposium and Awards.

Previously, H.E. Ban Ki-moon participated in the first UNAOC’s business and peace symposium at the 2014 UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) meeting in Bali, Indonesia. At that meeting, a joint publication was launched between the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, Indonesian Global Compact Network (IGCN), and the UNGC’s Business for Peace Platform. Mr. Ban is pictured below with the research report, “Business: A Powerful Force Supporting Interfaith Understanding & Peace.”

Indeed, as the report showed, interfaith understanding – and its contribution to peace – is in the interest of business. The report highlights several key areas where this is clear:

  • Recent research shows that economic growth and global competitiveness are stronger when social hostilities involving religion are low and Government respect for, and protection of, the universally recognized human right of freedom is high.
  • Interfaith understanding also strengthens business by reducing corruption and encouraging broader freedoms while also increasing trust and fostering respect. Research shows that laws and practices stifling religion are related to higher levels of corruption. Similarly, religious freedom highly correlates with the presence of other freedoms and a range of social and economic goods, such as better health care and higher incomes for women.
  • Positively engaging around the issue of interfaith understanding also helps business to advance trust and respect with consumers, employees and possible partner organizations, which can give companies a competitive advantage as sustainability and ethics come to the forefront of corporate engagement with society.
  • With the shared vision of a more sustainable and inclusive global economy that delivers lasting benefits to people, communities and markets, it is clear that companies can make significant contributions to advancing interfaith understanding and peace through both core business and outreach activities. The examples in this publication offer an important step forward in providing companies with guidance on why and how they can make practical contributions in this area – in ways benefitting both their business and the societies where they operate.

IGCN president, Y.W. Junardy, took home the gold medal at the 2016 Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards.

Brian Grim receives Korea Peninsula Medal of Peace

9 Jan, 2018

Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, received the Korean Peninsula Medal of Peace on December 2, 2017. Kim Young-jin, former Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (pictured), presented Grim the Award at the conclusion of the International Exhibition on Smart Technology for Sustainable Development & Procurement 2017 (STS&P 2017) in Incheon, South Korea.

The medal itself is symbolic of peace, being made by melting rusty barbed wire collected from the DMZ and shells collected from the Korean War. The medal is awarded to those who contributed to the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula. Grim is heading up the Global Business & Peace Symposium and Awards, which will take place on the days before the opening ceremonies of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics, immediately following the Winter Olympics.

The award came just days after Grim gave an address at the Korean National Assembly on Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace). Other recent recipients of the award include U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama. Also attending the Dec. 2 awards ceremony were Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Mohan Munasinghe and Dr. Feliño Junpalapx, founder of PalaFox, a world-renowned architectural firm.

International speakers at the STS&P conference were welcomed by the Korean National Assembly’s Secretary General, Kim Kyo-heung (pictured at center below), and by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Chung Sye-kyun.

Three Indonesian CEOs to be honored for Peace work during Olympics/Paralympics in Korea

2 Jan, 2018

Mr. Bambang Ismawan, founder of Bina Swadaya, Mr. Haidar Bagir, President Director of the Mizan Group, and Mr. Sumartono ‘Martono’ Hadinoto, owner of CANDI, will be honored at the biannual global Business & Peace Symposium for their work advancing peace through interfaith action.

On March 7-8, 2018, the days before the opening ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics, international business, government and civil society leaders will gather in Seoul Korea for the second biannual Global Business & Interfaith Peace Symposium and Awards. The symposium will show to a global audience – in the spirit of the Paralympics – that peace is achievable.

Mr. Bambang Ismawan, Mr. Haidar Bagir, and Mr. Sumartono Hadinoto (pictured above, counterclockwise from top left) were selected from nominees representing 25 countries on all six inhabitable continents to be part of a small group of CEOs to be honored for their work. The awards are given once every two years in the host city of the Olympics/Paralympics.

Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, observed, “It is extraordinary that we have three medalists from Indonesia, which goes to show not only the importance of interfaith understanding in Indonesia, but also the lessons Indonesians have to share with the world.” Grim also noted, “However, it is not surprising to see a strong showing from Indonesia given that last year’s top honoree was also an Indonesian, Mr. Y.W. Junardy.”

Mr. Bambang Ismawan is being honored for working with all faiths to build the largest network of people and organizations working to eliminate poverty, build interfaith understanding and peace in Indonesia, the country with the world’s largest Muslim population.

Mr. Haidar Bagir is being honored for contributing to interfaith understanding and peace in Indonesia in multiple ways, including leading the Compassionate Islam Movement, which galvanizes and mobilizes moderate Muslims in the face of increasing extremism and inter-religious tensions in the country.

Mr. Sumartono Hadinoto is being honored for his leading role in organizing humanitarian and socioeconomic initiatives as well as intercultural programs, such as the annual Solo Imlek Festival, that bring people together so that religious and ethnic violence might never happen again.

Read more here.

The inaugural Symposium and Awards were held at the start of the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The Symposium and Awards are an initiative of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in collaboration with the Global Compact Network Korea, the Business for peace platform of the United Nations Global Compact, and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The initiative was started in tandem with the Business for Peace initiative of former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who now serves as honorary chairman of the Global Compact Network Korea.

For more information and media inquiries, contact: Brian Grim, President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, email. Tel: 1-410-268-7809 Website

Download PRESS RELEASE Three Indonesian CEOs

Italian CEO to be honored for Peace work during Olympics/Paralympics in Korea

2 Jan, 2018

Mr. Leardo Ravaioli, CEO of lighting company Ghisamestieri the green way of light s.r.l. headquartered in Bertinoro, Italy, will be honored at the biannual global Business & Peace Symposium for his work advancing peace through interfaith action.

On March 7-8, 2018, the days before the opening ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics, international business, government and civil society leaders will gather in Seoul Korea for the second biannual Global Business & Interfaith Peace Symposium and Awards. The symposium will show to a global audience – in the spirit of the Paralympics – that peace is achievable.

Mr. Ravaioli was selected from nominees representing 25 countries on all six inhabitable continents to be part of a small group of CEOs to be honored for his work. The awards are given once every two years in the host city of the Olympics/Paralympics.

Mr. Ravaioli is being honored for his work with Italian Rotary Clubs and faith leaders to bring sustainable sources of water, food, education, and light (through solar power) to people of all faiths in Sierra Leone after its civil war. His interfaith commitment continues as his company helped sponsor Italy’s first annual interfaith festival in 2017.

Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, observed, “Mr. Ravaioli was an especially strong candidate for this year’s competition because his work takes place not only at home in Italy, but abroad in Sierra Leone.” Grim also noted, “Mr. Ravaioli’s work is a perfect example of the work of peace Pope Francis called for at the start of 2018.”

Read more here.

“Many people worry about the current crisis on the Korean peninsula,” said Dr. Sunggon Kim, the 2018 Awards Executive Director and one of the jurors. “Thus, the Global Business & Peace Awards right before 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics in Korea is a very timely and meaningful event for peace in this area. It will show the world how business people are important in building peace,” said Dr. Kim.

The inaugural Symposium and Awards were held at the start of the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The Symposium and Awards are an initiative of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in collaboration with the Global Compact Network Korea, the Business for peace platform of the United Nations Global Compact, and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The initiative was started in tandem with the Business for Peace initiative of former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who now serves as honorary chairman of the Global Compact Network Korea.

For more information and media inquiries, contact: Brian Grim, President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, email. Tel: 1-410-268-7809 Website

Download: PRESS RELEASE Leardo Ravaioli