Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Brian Grim receives Korea Peninsula Medal of Peace

9 Jan, 2018

Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, received the Korean Peninsula Medal of Peace on December 2, 2017. Kim Young-jin, former Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (pictured), presented Grim the Award at the conclusion of the International Exhibition on Smart Technology for Sustainable Development & Procurement 2017 (STS&P 2017) in Incheon, South Korea.

The medal itself is symbolic of peace, being made by melting rusty barbed wire collected from the DMZ and shells collected from the Korean War. The medal is awarded to those who contributed to the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula. Grim is heading up the Global Business & Peace Symposium and Awards, which will take place on the days before the opening ceremonies of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics, immediately following the Winter Olympics.

The award came just days after Grim gave an address at the Korean National Assembly on Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace). Other recent recipients of the award include U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama. Also attending the Dec. 2 awards ceremony were Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Mohan Munasinghe and Dr. Feliño Junpalapx, founder of PalaFox, a world-renowned architectural firm.

International speakers at the STS&P conference were welcomed by the Korean National Assembly’s Secretary General, Kim Kyo-heung (pictured at center below), and by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Chung Sye-kyun.