Protecting Religious Freedoms Will Strengthen Our Global Economy
In Forbes, by Brian J. Grim & Brian W. Walsh
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, long a priority of administrations from both parties, highlights how the world’s economy is shifting in multiple ways. The United States is still the world’s largest economy, but today two Asian countries—neither historically nor majority Christian—have the second and third largest economies. The Pacific Rim as a whole, one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse regions on earth, is now also one of the most economically dynamic.
The strength of the global economy has become religiously diverse, and this diversity will only increase in the next few decades. According to a new study released today by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (of which one of us, Brian Grim, is president), the globe’s growing religious diversity is likely to be one of the 21st century’s most important developments for businesses and policymakers around the world. … read more
World Economic Forum’s Agenda
How religious will the world be in 2050?
In World Economic Forum’s Agenda, by Brian J. Grim
Reports of the death of organized religion have been exaggerated. According to recent research, the growth of religious populations worldwide is projected to be 23 times larger than the growth of the unreligious between 2010 and 2050. The report Changing religion, changing economies, which draws on a 2015 global study published in Demographic Research and its connected Pew Research Center report, has profound implications for the global economy.
Today, seven of the G8 nations have Christian-majority populations. But by 2050 only one of the leading economies is projected to have a majority Christian population – the United States. The other mega economies in 2050 are projected to include a country with a Hindu majority (India), a Muslim majority (Indonesia), and two with exceptionally high levels of religious diversity (China and Japan). … read more
Christianity Today
Treasures on Earth: How Religion Is Redistributing the World’s Wealth
What economic and demographic data suggest about 2050.
A deep dive into economic and demographic data suggests that not only is the world becoming dramatically more religious, but the resulting religious diversity is redistributing wealth like never before.
Today, the bulk of the world’s wealth resides in majority-Christian countries. But by 2050, the five leading economies are projected to be “one of the most religiously diverse groupings in recent memory,” say researchers Brian Grim and Phillip Connor at the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation (RFBF). … read more
Deseret News
The impact religious diversity will have on the world’s economic growth
Deseret News by Matt Brown
As businesses assess opportunities in the growing economies of China, Indonesia, India and even Africa, a new report makes a case for executives to seriously consider a factor that is often ignored: religion.
In a unique analysis of economic and demographic data, researchers Brian Grim and Philip Connor demonstrate the impact religious diversity will have on economic growth around the world by 2050. They conclude that existing religious populations in Asia and Africa will not only grow but become more diverse.
“The growth of religious populations has implications for how the world’s wealth will be spread about,” Grim said in a statement announcing the report that is to be presented this week at the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. … read more

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