Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Justin Green – 2021 & 2022 Dare to Overcome Keynote (press release)

Dare to Overcome (DTO) is the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation’s signature global conference, with the mission of shining a light on successes in promoting mutual respect and allyship among diverse communities. Previous DTO conferences and awards were held in Rio (2016), Seoul (2018), Washington (2020) and Tokyo (2021). In 2022, DTO will be held from May 23-25 at the Busch School of Business in Washington DC. DTO will move to India in 2023.

DTO is the global convening point for Fortune 500 faith-and-belief employee resource groups (ERGs). Members of these ERGs will gather in support of their colleagues around the world and share best practices, including a focus on supporting colleagues with disabilities, i.e., differing abilities. Other main partners include American Airlines and the Templeton Religion Trust.

^ Justin Greene – 2021 Dare to Overcome Keynote.

Justin Greene, a major advocate in the inclusion and diversity community, began the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Accenture Federal Services in 2012. He currently leads membership efforts for the national PwD ERG, seeing the group grow from 400 to close to 2,000 members across the U.S. today. He shared how when a company embraces people with differing abilities in the workplace, they are really untapping the potential of their unique abilities. He also shared why companies need ERGs for people with disabilities and how to overcome challenges in getting them going. (See Justin’s keynote dubbed into Japanese.).

^ In 2022, Dare to Overcome was able to be held in person following Japanese covid social distancing protocols.

Justin Greene spoke in depth on the importance of accommodating all people, including those with differing abilities. Accenture’s Justin Greene also shared his personal journey of greater effectiveness and more significant opportunities for leadership once he made his neurological disability known. He had helped lead Accenture’s employee resource group for people with disabilities, helping fulfill the company’s tagline: to be the world’s most human company.