Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


May 22-24, 2023, 4th Annual National Faith@Work ERG Conference, Dare to Overcome, Busch School of Business, Washington DC


Register below: Click blue price box for options, then indicate number & click Continue.

Fees processed securely by PayPal.

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Hotel and on-campus housing options will be available later in the spring.

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Take the REDI Index Survey – Be recognized! (details)

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities (details)


Students, interested in business? Want to volunteer? (APPLY)

Preliminary Program (forthcoming)

Highlights from 2022 (see more)

Join top business leaders, Fortune 500 faith-oriented employee resource group (ERG) leaders, and corporate chaplains to share best practices and to build supportive, intersecting networks nationally and globally! The mission: Shine a light on successes in promoting mutual respect and allyship among diverse communities.