Working for workplace religious diversity, equity & inclusion


Coca-Cola Consolidated t-Factor

Charlotte-based Coca-Cola Consolidated (NASDAQ: COKE), a major bottler of Coca-Cola products, has as it purpose “to honor God in all we do, to serve others, to pursue excellence, and to grow profitably.” Chairman and CEO Frank Harrison shares what all that means in the video below.

Frank Harrison – Our Purpose

Coca-Cola Consolidated was a sponsor of our 2022 National Faith ERG Conference, where the video was featured. Speaking at the conference was Mark Whitacre, Executive Director of Coca-Cola Consolidated’s t-Factor. If his name sounds familiar, he was portrayed By Matt Damon in the Hollywood blockbuster The Informant! How did the highest-level executive to ever turn whistleblower in U.S. history, imprisoned for 8.5 years, end up being the Executive Director of t-Factor whose purpose is “To transform workplace cultures around the world for good, for God, for growth”? Watch as he shares his story of redemption in the video below.

Mark Whitacre – A Redemption Story

Panel Discussion Moderated by Mark Whitacre