Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


RFBF welcomes Dave Law as a UK Workplace Fellow

12 Jun, 2024

RFBF welcomes David Law, Bsc (Hons) CSci CChem MRSC, as a UK Workplace Fellow!

Dave is one of the founders of the Faith at Work project in the UK, a movement of over 50 companies which encourages employers to support religion and belief in the workplace and support people of faith to bring their whole soul to work.

David led a group who shared the project with the British Prime Minister’s office, 10 Downing Street, in July 2023, and with the British Parliament All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion and Belief. Dave was one of the organisers of Faith in the Workplace conference on the 4th March 2024 in London (see timeline).

David is also an associate of Transform Work, a charity that supports Christian Workplace groups. He is analytical Chemist for Thames Water and lives in Reading with his wife and daughter.