Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Pre-Conference Executive Seminar: Championing Dignity in the Workplace

3 May, 2024

  • Title: Executive Seminar on Championing Dignity in the Workplace
  • Date/Time: Monday, May 20 Noon – 5pm
  • Place: Maloney Pavilion, the Busch School of Business at CUA
  • Cost: $75 per participant
  • Description:  

This half-day seminar is an opportunity for HR professionals to discuss faith in the workplace and to learn more about the Busch School’s Dignity of the Worker framework for addressing contemporary shifts in the HR landscape, all while earning SHRM continuing education credit.  The seminar will be conducted in two sessions:

Randy Reardon, VP of HR at Labcorp – “How Bringing your Faith to Work, in the Way of St Francis, Encourages Dignity in the Workplace.”

Discussion on how the Way of St. Francis can be practiced within the organization, allowing dignity to flourish by allowing all to bring faith to work.

Tracy Phillips, Professor at the Busch School – Dignity of the Worker Workshop

An interactive workshop on how you and your team can implement concepts in The Dignity of the Worker Framework to instill human dignity-centered best practices in human resource management.

A full agenda will be sent out after registration.  Lunch and cocktail reception are included in the cost.