Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Faith in Action: Religion and Spirituality in the Polycrisis

17 Jan, 2024

By Brian Grim

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 17 January 2024 – Join a LIVE discussion today (11:15am ET / 17:15 CET) of new insights from a World Economic Forum report released today showing how faith-based groups, including traditional religious institutions, interfaith alliances and faith-motivated investors, are forming innovative partnerships with the private sector to advance efforts on climate action, responsible technology, and other areas.

The report highlights how RFBF’s REDI Index helps organizations champion religious freedom in the workplace.

Faith in Action, produced in collaboration with the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, the World Evangelical Alliance, Bhumi Global, Council for Inclusive Capitalism and others, details eight impact case studies on the environment, health, resilience and technology governance.

World Economic Forum report features REDI Index 🚩

The Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index — now in its fifth year — is the industry standard benchmarking tool for an organization’s commitment to including religion & belief as part of its overall diversity initiatives.

REDI Index companies recognized in the World Economic Forum report include top scoring Intel Corporation with American Airlines, Equinix, PayPal, Salesforce, and DELL Technologies rounding out the top six.

If you haven’t signed up yet, your organization can join companies worldwide in the REDI journey!

From the World Economic Forum report: