Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Aha! Moment – Faith Drives Leadership Style

12 Oct, 2022

Sumreen Ahmad, Accenture’s Global Change Management Lead, revealed an Aha! Moment in her keynote at Dare to Overcome 2022.

Sumreen found herself one day in a feedback discussion where she was being promoted, when a colleague told her that he’d “never met anyone with so much tenacity, patience and perseverance”. This same colleague saw no reason why faith belonged in the workplace. Sumreen seized the opportunity – taking advantage of the ‘aha’ moment to explain just how much those values were engrained in her – not because of any corporate training she’d received, but because of how her faith drove her leadership style anchored in being accountable to something much bigger than herself.

You can see Sumreen’s full comments here, as well as other talks she has given.

Also, Sumreen will be on a panel on faith at work with Supriya Jha, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, SAP, and Millicent Rone, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Sr. Specialist, American Airlines, and me on Oct. 19, if you’d like to see how a growing number of top companies are recognizing the value of faith.