Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Religion & Addiction Recovery

28 Jun, 2022

How Faith is Indispensable in Preventing and Recovering from Substance Abuse

Key findings from a Faith Counts study by Brian J Grim, Ph.D. and Melissa Grim, J.D., MTS

  • — Faith Reduces Risk, Helps Long-Term Recovery, Saves Lives
  • — Provides $316 billion annually in savings to U.S. economy
  • — Authors Warn that Declining Religiosity is National Health Concern 
  • — Perception that Religion Can’t Answer Today’s Problems Don’t Match Reality

A recent study authored by father-daughter research duo, Brian & Melissa Grim, and published in the Journal of Religion and Health looks at the role of religious and spiritual faith in preventing and recovering from substance use disorder.

On Friday, July 1, Brian will share findings from the recent study he and Melissa conducted on the social and economic value faith plays in addiction recovery. Also participating are Rabbi Igael “Iggy” Gurin-Malous (T’Shuvah Center) and Dr. Amer Raheemullah, MD (Stanford Univ./Medina House).

Venue: Tanenbaum’s upcoming Conscientious Care Conversation, An Examination of Religion and Addiction, on July 1, 2022, at 12:00 pm ET. This webinar will examine the intersections of religion, substance use disorders, and the recovery process. We will explore the ways religious and spiritual affiliations can be both a help and a hindrance to those living with and recovering from substance use disorders.

To join the conversation, register using this Zoom link.