Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Brian Grim gives opening remarks at 1st high level India-US Higher Ed Workshop

22 Jun, 2022

A Window into the Impact of Education in India – Public Opinion Surveys

At the first-ever high level higher education visioning workshop, featuring keynotes by the Honorable Sethuraman Panchanathan, Director of the US National Science Foundation (NSF), and H.E. Taranjit Singh Sandu, Indian Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, provided the opening comments.

Grim shared findings from recent surveys, providing a window to the impact of education on the attitudes of people in India, drawing on his years of experience at the Washington DC-based Pew Research Center before founding the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in 2014. He then shared findings on how education impacts international opinion about India.

Grim also highlighted some findings on how the major faiths in India share a surprising number of shared beliefs and practices, showing the great socio-economic potential of India’s pluralism and democracy. Grim finished with a sneak peak of the forthcoming groundbreaking national study with MIT World Peace University on the socio-economic value of faith to Indian society.

Read the Visioning Workshop 2022 summary here.
Brian Grim’s full comments are available here: A Window to the Impact of Education in India: Public Opinion Surveys

Background on the Workshop

The education system in India is in a crucial phase. While on the one hand, thousands of quality graduates are entering a competitive job market and young entrepreneurs are arriving with innovative ideas, on the other hand, inadequate infrastructure to nurture innovators, weak networking between policy makers, industry, and academia is creating turbulence in the Indian education ecosystem.

The superlative achievements of the Indian diaspora in academia in the USA has immense potential to bridge the gap between American educationists, policy makers and visionary leaders in the Indian education system.

The dialogue between the 5000 year old Indian value-based education system and the technologically advanced American education system will lead the world to a better place for higher education for coming generations.

Read more here.