by Brian Grim
Republicans, Democrats, young, old, black, white, religious, non-religious, all agree. The Golden Rule — do unto others as you would have them do unto you — is a necessary part of their lives.
The 2022 Deseret-Marist “Faith in America” poll found that treating others as they themselves would like to be treated is a necessary ethic. In other words, Americans agree that putting others first is necessary.
This is the exact message of our upcoming Dare to Overcome national faith@work ERG conference. It’s not about claiming what’s best for me, but it’s about standing up for what’s best for my neighbor.
If you share this same spirit (92% do, according to the poll), please join us in Washington DC this May 23-25 to be inspired by how people of all faiths and beliefs are putting the Golden Rule to practice in their workplaces.
BTW: April 5th was officially Golden Rule Day (see post from Amb. Mussie Hailu). But given the poll’s findings, isn’t every day?!