Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Intel India VPs Receive Award on Behalf of CEO Pat Gelsinger and EVP Sandra Rivera

22 Mar, 2022

Mar. 21, 2022: Bangalore, India

Intel Corporation’s CEO Pat Gelsinger and EVP Sandra Rivera received the 2021 Global Business & Interfaith Peace Gold Medal for their work in making Intel’s workplaces worldwide inclusive and welcoming for people of all faiths and beliefs. Due to covid, they were not able to receive their gold medals in person, but only in a virtual ceremony broadcasted from Tokyo, Japan, and Washington, DC, on August 24, 2021.

Today, two vice presidents from Intel India received the medals on their behalf: Anita Vijaykrishnan, VP / GM Enterprise Operations, and Sumedha Limaye, Vice President of Engineering, Xeon & Networking.

“We thank the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation and the United Nations Global Compact for recognizing Intel. It’s our honour to accept this award on behalf of Pat and Sandra,” said Sumedha and Anita. “Bringing our authentic self to work resonates with every Intel employee globally. There is more encouragement to realize your strengths and potential when the environment supports diversity of thought and expression.”

Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, expressed his appreciation for their willingness to receive the award and congratulated them on their strong support for diversity and inclusion. Grim previously delivered the Silver Medal to John Tyson at their headquarters in Arkansas, and other 2021 recipients will receive their medals in Washinton DC on May 24, 2022, at Dare to Overcome.

Dare to Overcome is the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation’s annual in-person gathering for Fortune 500 faith-oriented employee resource groups (ERGs) and corporate chaplains to come together to share best practices and to build supportive, intersecting networks nationally and globally at the three-day event. All faiths and beliefs are welcome.

In 2023, Dare to Overcome will be held in New Delhi, India.