Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


New Publications on Faith@Work

9 Feb, 2022

Faith@Work is not only a growing movement within Fortune 500 companies (see REDI Index), it is also a topic of scholarly study. For example, RFBF has contributed chapters to three recent Routledge publications:

Authors of books related to faith@work movement will be joining us at our May 23-25, 2022, Faith@Work National ERG conference Dare to Overcome, including David W. Miller, Ph.D., Director of Princeton University’s Faith & Work Initiative, who is revising his classic God at Work (Oxford University Press) in light of the growing multi-faith workplace engagement.

Also, Rear Admiral Alan Baker (US Navy, ret.), 16th Chaplain of the Marine Corps, will keynote our special corporate chaplaincy track with insights from his seminal book Foundations of Chaplaincy: A Practical Guide (Eerdmans). Chaplains of various faiths and denominations provide compassionate ministry of presence in some of America’s largest corporations, including American Airlines, Tyson Foods, and Coca-Cola Consolidated, all sponsors of our May 23-25 conference.

If your company would like to participate in the 2022 REDI Index, email and/or learn more here.