Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Brian Grim Addresses 17,000 Participants at the 7th World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy (Pune, India)

3 Oct, 2021

On October 4, 2021, Dr. Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, addressed an estimated 17,000 participants at the 7th World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy on the connection of these three realms in some for the world’s biggest and best technology companies.

Dr. Grim’s presentation can be viewed here or above.

Other speakers include Dr Elizabeth Denley (Heartfulness Institute), Dr. Vistasp Karbhari (Former President of the University of Texas at Arlington), Dr Kannan Rangaramanujam (Johns Hopkins Hospital), Dr Ashok Joshi (Microlin LLC), and Dr Konden Smith Hansen (Univ. of Arizona). The Parliament is hosted by the MIT World Peace University in Pune, India