Working for workplace religious diversity, equity & inclusion


For Humanity: Inter-Faith Solidarity and Joint Action to Combat COVID-19

20 Apr, 2020

On April 22nd, 9:15am EDT, Dr. Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, will join global leaders from the UAE, US, France, China, UK, Spain, Kenya, Italy and Malaysia in an online conference to discuss how faith and interfaith action is playing a role in combatting Covid-19.

See full program: Faith & Combatting COVID-19 Conference Program⁩

Grim will describe how faith and interfaith collaboration is empowering for many in the Fortune 500. It is an asset that not only sustains and deeply connects many during the pandemic, but one that will add power when the shutdowns end.

As people all over the world face layoffs, job loss and employment uncertainty, major companies are benefiting from the movements within companies to be faith-friendly. It has become standard practice for multinational corporations to assure employees of support regardless of their race, gender or sexual orientation. There’s now an intensifying push to ensure that companies are similarly supportive and inclusive when it comes to employees’ religious beliefs.

One barometer: More than 20% of the Fortune 100 have established faith-based employee resource groups, according to an AP examination and a high-powered conference that took place in February 2020 in Washington aimed at expanding those ranks. Corporate America is at a tipping point toward giving religion similar attention to that given the other major diversity categories. And this move is especially important as people all over the world seek to manage life during and after the pandemic.