Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Dr. Judith Richter, CEO Medinol, brings people together focusing on the heart (cardiovascular & spiritual)!

7 Dec, 2019

On Sunday, Dec 8 2020, Middle East CEOs are gathering for the first-ever International Religious Freedom BUSINESS Roundtable. See the amazing way Dr. Judith Richter, CEO Medinol, brings together young people of different faiths focusing on the heart (cardiovascular & spiritual)!

The NIR School of the Heart is a comprehensive experiential program aimed at enriching the academic, cultural, social and personal development of promising teenagers throughout the Middle East. Their select group of students is offered a top-quality interactive education in the medical sciences, with an emphasis on cardiology, provided by world-class experts and with access to first-rate facilities. By engaging curious young minds from several nationalities in a multi-cultural educational environment, the program aims to encourage the students to communicate and share their knowledge with one another, and to propagate that knowledge and spirit within their home communities.

The NIR School is an independent, non-profit, non-political organization sponsored in full by Dr. Judith Richter and Dr. Kobi Richter who founded the school.

The NIR School looks forward to seeing its graduates become positive contributors to society, and hopes to play a constructive role in deepening cross-border social and professional relationships both today and in the future.