You can make secure online donations to support the work of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation using the link at the right or below.
The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is a non-partisan charitable organization working with business people, academics, government officials and community leaders from multiple faiths (or of none) to accomplish its mission. The Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization in the USA. It does not take a position on current political debates. Donations are tax-deductible consistent with IRC Section 170. No goods or services are provided in return for your donation. Donations are non-refundable.
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The Next 5 Years – Driving Global Change describes the unique catalytic approach that RFBF will apply in its next 5 years to fulfill its extraordinary mission.
The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) was founded in 2014 by Dr. Brian Grim. Prior to that, there was no organization devoted to educating the global business community about how religious freedom is good for business and inviting them to join forces with government and non-government organizations in promoting respect for freedom of religion or belief (FoRB). RFBF has single-handedly created this new field and has provided practical business tools to advance the cause.
RFBF brings a powerful new hope in today’s increasingly polarizing environments by engaging diverse people and businesses in the common cause of freedom of belief and conscience – for all – and doing this in ways that demonstrably strengthen harmony, economic flourishing and personal fulfillment.