This is part of a series of profiles on faith and work initiatives from various faiths.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has rolled out a global program helping their members as well as nonmember gain what they refer to as skills in self-reliance. The first video below is used in the United States to help their members understand the program and consider getting involved and/or suggesting the program to others.
The second video is an example of the small business curriculum as developed for use in Sub-Saharan Africa. A self-employment group member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discusses how the program taught him marketing and better customer relations. He also discusses the role of prayer and faith in his business.
Manuals, videos, and training may be downloaded from their website and are also available at their Church’s distribution centers.
Courses cover topics including personal finance, starting and growing a business, finding a better job, and how to chose the right education for better work.
The Church’s Rationale Behind the Courses
The following quote from the Church’s Self-Reliance page show the close connection between faith and work:
The Lord has said, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints . . . but it must needs be done in mine own way” (Doctrine and Covenants 104:15, 16). This is a promise that Heavenly Father will help take care of His children as they follow Him. Self-reliance does not mean that we can accomplish or obtain anything we want. If we are self-reliant we believe that through the power of Christ, and through our own effort, we can work for the spiritual and practical needs of life. Many people can become more self-reliant. The self-reliance initiative is a tool to help.