Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Monthly Archives: May 2017

G20 Interfaith Summit Certificate Course

12 May, 2017

The G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies. Each year, faith is addressed at the G20 Interfaith Summit. This year, the G20 Interfaith Summit Association is proud to offer an add-on certificate course.

On Saturday, 17 June 2017, Brian J. Grim of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation will offer a one-day Empowerment+ Facilitator training and certificate programme. The training will give access to largely free resources that benefit refugees, immigrants, and others in need.

Self-reliance & Empowerment Course for Refugees

The Empowerment Plus Facilitator programme will train and certify participants to facilitate two of the three Empowerment+ courses, Find a Better Job and Launching Leaders, and will introduce attendees to the Master of Business on the Streets (MBS).*

  • — Saturday, June 17, 09:30-16:00
  • — University of Potsdam, Germany
  • — €275/$290, incl. general admission to G20 Interfaith Summit (15-17 June)

Participants will receive a certificate of completion and a permit to use the Empowerment+ resources, most of which are totally free. All proceeds to go to the G20 Interfaith Summit Association.

In January, Sir Alex Ferguson was on hand to give out certificates of completion to the Manchester UK participants of the interfaith course – a mix of Catholic, Muslim and Mormon students.

The attendees at the ceremony consisted of the mentors on the course (also from a range of religious traditions), and dignitaries.

Dignitaries present included Roman Catholic Bishop John Arnold (Salford Diocese), former Greater Manchester Chief of Police Sir Peter Fahy, Mohammed Ullah (honorary Muslim Chaplain to the Manchester Universities), Mormon Bishop Sean Roberts, Launching Leaders USA Executive Director Michael Leonard, Greater Manchester Citizens Community Organiser Furqan Naeem,  Catholic Chaplain Fr Tim Byron SJ, and Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation.

* The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation offers these course together with partners, including Launching Leaders and Interweave Solutions (MBS), both non-profit charitable organizations working worldwide. My Foundations and Find a Better Job are interfaith versions of a successful self-reliance program operated worldwide by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) to help their own members. The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, a registered non-denominational charity in the United States, is grateful to the LDS Church for the opportunity to adapt the materials in collaboration with multiple faith communities for this interfaith initiative.