Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Oxford – Positive Peace Conference

17 Apr, 2017

Positive Peace: Concepts and Practice

What role does business play in promoting interfaith understanding, religious freedom and peace? Join Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, at Oxford University on May 5th to find out.

Saturday 6th May 2017, OxPeace annual Day-Conference: 09.30 -17.30  at St John’s College, Oxford. With Conference Dinner on Friday, 5th May at Rewley House.

Speakers include: Lord Alderdice (Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, Harris Manchester College, Oxford), Mark Segal (DFID, on peace and the SDGs), Phil Vernon (Programme Director, International Alert, on positive peacebuilding), James Smith (Aegis Trust, on peace education), Mieke Lopes Cardozo (UNICEF, peace education), John Curtis (Iran Heritage Foundation, on the role of cultural preservation in building positive peace) and breakouts on peacebuilding in Colombia, extremists’ concepts of peace, etc.

Open to all, coffee and sandwich lunch on Saturday included, minimal fee of £5 students, £10 non-students.

For further details and registration form please contact Conference Organiser Jeremy Cunningham: