Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


MBA’s, the faith factor and emerging markets

25 Jul, 2015

MBAs-WEFDear Friends and Colleagues,

In a World Economic Forum (WEF) article, Chris Seiple & I argue that business schools are not offering courses that equip their graduates to engage and capitalize on the role that the faith factor is playing and will play in emerging markets.

We therefore offer five principles for shaping an elective course, if not a concentration, that business school deans and professors might consider as they prepare entrepreneurs for doing business in a world where the influence of the faith factor will only grow (and where peace is dependent on interfaith understanding & appreciation).

We look for your reactions, thoughts & suggestions as we develop this more fully into programs for business schools – you can leave comments on the WEF site.

Thank you for your support and interest.

Brian Grim, President