Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Foundation President Appointed to World Economic Forum Religion Council

16 Jun, 2014

PRESS RELEASE: June 16Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, has invited Religious Freedom & Business Foundation President Brian Grim to become a Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith for 2014-2016. (See Grim’s articles at the Global Agenda Council.)

The focus of the Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith in the upcoming term will be to raise awareness of the unique added value of faith by identifying and developing the main pillars of an informational program on how to leverage socio-cultural, cross-faith and religious engagement for conflict prevention and conflict transformation.

This effort will be targeted to two sets of stakeholders:

(1) Countries/public authority (e.g., countries experiencing recent phenomena of immigration; countries with internal conflicts and/or restrictions on freedom of beliefs/religion); and

(2) International companies and professionals, particularly those working in emerging markets and conflict affected regions.

Established in 2008, the Network of Global Agenda Councils is an invitation-only knowledge network that serves as an international brain trust to the World Economic Forum and the world at large.The Network gives its Members a unique platform to support the Forum’s vision to better understand and catalyze global, regional and industry transformation.