Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Faith-Specific & Interfaith/Belief ERG Resource Meeting

3 Aug, 2024

  • – When: August 20, Tuesday
  • – Time: 12-12:45pm ET (9-9:45am PT)
  • Zoom link

In our recent survey of Faith/Belief ERG members, the most popular topic was “faith-specific resources.” Please join our Aug. 20th virtual meeting where we will introduce Faith-Specific & Interfaith/Belief resources and networks.

After a general introduction by faith-specific and interfaith ERG resource discussion leaders, we will have breakouts by faith group, including one for interfaith/belief. The interfaith group will also be for those if only one person from a particular faith is present.

Latin America Area Faith@Work Network Founding Meeting

31 Jul, 2024

• Aug. 22, 2024
• Virtual: 2:00-3:30pm (Brasilia Time); 11am-1:30pm (Mexico City tTime)

In tandem with the G20 Interfaith Forum in Brasilia, Brazil, we will launch the Latin America Area Faith@Work Network. This is part of a growing trend where top companies are including faith and belief as part of their diversity initiative, as shown in our 2024 report.

Representatives of businesses throughout Latin America are invited to join virtually or in person for the launch of this network on August 22. Presentations by member of interfaith Employee resource Groups (ERGs) from Salesforce, DELL Technologies, and SAP.

Zoom Link here

Paris Olympics are behind the curve on DEI

30 Jul, 2024

Including Religion as a Core Part of DEI is the Trend

Brian Grim

A performance during the Opening Ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics triggered a backlash — including from France’s bishops — as many saw a sketch meant to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as being offensive and biased. Many took the sketch to be a parody of the Last Supper of Christ, which organizers denied being the intent.

Regardless of intent, it is important to have an awareness of how imagery can be misinterpreted. For example, while not all crescent moons are symbols of Islam, one must be aware of using them in ways that could unintentionally offend Muslims. Likewise, while not all meal depictions are of the Last Supper, being aware of possible misinterpretations is always best practice.

Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps apologized on Sunday for those offended by the scene. “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think (with) Thomas Jolly [the ceremony’s artistic director], we really did try to celebrate community tolerance,” Descamps said. “… If people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry.”

Jolly said that religious subversion had never been his intention. “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.”

However, rather than being avant-garde and inclusive, the Olympic organizers are actually behind the curve when it comes to DEI — what they purportedly were trying to promote. The latest data show a significant surge in Fortune 500 companies including religion as part of their DEI initiatives, which helps them avoid such offensive and COSTLY mistakes (one Olympic sponsor has already withdrawn in reaction to the sketch).

Indeed, the world’s biggest companies are embracing religiously inclusive workplaces at a faster pace than ever before, according to the 2024 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index and Monitor, released by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) in May.

The REDI report finds that 429 (85.8%) Fortune 500 companies now mention or illustrate religion as part of their broader commitment to diversity, more than double the number in 2022 (202 companies, or 40.4%). According to the REDI Index, Accenture and American Airlines are the most faith-friendly Global Fortune 500 companies.

Perhaps the Olympic organizers have some things to learn from companies that are getting DEI right.

PROGRESS REPORT – Unity in Diversity: Nation-Wide Allyship Campaign

24 Jul, 2024

Uniting People of Diverse Beliefs

In workplaces across America, diversity initiatives are increasingly including religion and belief as a core focus. This is building a network of trust that unites people of diverse beliefs to understand, respect, and protect each others’ religious freedoms at work and all around the world.

Indeed, America’s biggest companies are embracing religiously inclusive workplaces at a faster pace than ever before, according to the 2024 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index and Monitor, released in May by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF).

The REDI report finds that 429 (85.8%) Fortune 500 companies now mention or illustrate religion as part of their broader commitment to diversity, more than double the number in 2022 (202 companies, or 40.4%). The study also found a 68% increase in the number of Fortune 500 companies showcasing that they have faith-oriented employee business resource groups (EBRGs), rising from 37 companies in 2022 to 62 in 2024.

A growing number of industries are now opting into the REDI Index survey to benchmark their progress in creating faith-and-belief-friendly workplaces. For example, Citigroup is the first major bank, KPMG is the first Big Four accounting firm, Kaiser Permanente is the first Health System, Aramark is the first in the comprehensive services field, and Rolls-Royce is the first in the Aerospace manufacturing industry to opt in. Firsts in other sectors include Target (retail), CMS Energy, and Altria (consumer goods), while the tech sector continues to be well represented by numerous companies including ServiceNow and Bosch.

Atria Participates in the REDI Index

Announcing this in a recent LinkedIn post to their more than 54,000 followers, Altria wrote:

We’re honored to be ranked as the 18th “Top Faith Friendly Workplace” among Fortune 500 companies by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. Our ranking is based off our score on the Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index. The REDI Index is a first in class benchmarking system for measuring how well companies integrate religion, including non-theistic beliefs, into their communications, policies and programs. To learn more about the REDI index, visit here. Learn more about Altria’s Employee Resource Groups here. #AltriaProud #Dare2Overcome

Examples of how this religiously inclusive workplace movement is spreading are numerous. Here are several examples of how this is spreading within, between, and outside of companies:

Within Companies: All-Hands Interfaith Events

Dr. Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, is frequently invited to speak at corporate events launching or expanding their interfaith EBRGs, including at Ford Motor Company, Starbucks, Citi Bank, PwC, and Deloitte. Such events invite people from across the organization to learn and get involved with allyship-building activities organized by the faith or interfaith EBRGs.

Between Companies: Busting myths and misperceptions about other faiths

SAP Interfaith Alliance Team hosted an enlightening and thought-provoking virtual event with business people from SAP, Equinix, SSSC Trust and BNP Paribas Bank, who are members of faiths often misunderstood: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Scientology, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. Watch to have your myths dispelled here:!

Outside of Companies: “Feed the Hungry Service Activity” sponsored by DELL, CVS Health, and Merck in collaboration with The Nation’s Mosque & Catholic Charities

The vision of the Dare to Overcome conference, which representatives of Altria participated in, is to overcome those things that prevent unity, justice, tranquility, security, general welfare, and the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. At this year’s May 21-22 conference, DELL Technologies’ Interfaith employee resource group led a pilot of a social impact activity that provides an example of a possible faith-led initiative that companies can take back with them to replicate in their own communities.

More than 100 attendees participated in a “feed the hungry” community involvement event on May 22 to draw attention to the World Hunger Day (a separate annual event observed later in May) to raise awareness of the global hunger crisis by encouraging action towards ending global hunger. It began with a multi-faith prayer gathering for those suffering from food insecurity and hunger followed by a hands-on one-hour community event packaging food onsite for the homeless in collaboration with The Nation’s Mosque, Helping Hands (Latter-day Saints), and Catholic Charities in Washington DC. DELL Technologies, in consultation with the Busch School of Business, is taking the lead to organize the event. Funding from Merck and CVS Health also supported this initiative. Nearly 1,000 people in the Washington DC directly benefited from this initiative. We plan to expand it at next year’s Dare to Overcome Washington DC conference (May 21-22, 2025).

Atria Give Together Grant to RFBF

Thanks to an Altria Give Together grant, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation has been able to increase our outreach and organizing capacity to convene ERG leaders between our annual conferences at different levels.

“Keeping leaders engaged throughout the year provides more opportunities to address region or religion specific concerns, grow the movement of companies that embrace faith at work, and collaborate in serving their communities. Through resource and knowledge sharing, they help each other make their workplaces more faith friendly, which improves their REDI Index score, and paves the way for a more successful conference.” – Gary Ritterstein, Stakeholder Engagement & Social Impact Strategy Consultant for RFBF

Examples of Discussions Convened 

  • – Covenantal Pluralism in action
  • – Golden Rule Across Faiths & Beliefs
  • – Benefits of religious inclusion
  • – The Business Impact of Faith-and-Belief Friendly Workplaces
  • – How Faith/Belief-Friendly Workplaces Help Overcome Polarization
  • – Peace Through Service
  • – How Religious Freedom Promotes Innovation
  • – Faith in Unity: Cross-company ERG collaboration
  • – Honoring Difference with Respect: Living your core values
  • – The Nuts and Bolts of Faith-Oriented ERGs
  • – How to Sustain & Expand Faith Networks in Companies
  • – Scripture & Prayer Programs in Workplaces
  • – Latest Data and Research on Faith and Work
  • – Innovations in Workplace Chaplaincy
  • – More than ERGs-Faith accommodations and alignment to company systems & processes
  • – How to Expand a Faith-Oriented ERG Nationally & Internationally
  • – MBA Case Competition Competition on Faith@Work – learn how your company (or students) can participate
  • – How Spiritual Resources Increase Resilience & Health
  • – “Your Story” of Interfaith at Work and Life
  • – At the intersection of Faith & Identity
  • – Measuring the impact of ERG contributions

Going Forward

Altria’s Give Together grant is specifically helping us keep these initiatives moving forward. We look forward to further collaboration!

Italian Mayor Congratulates TeaPak & Yogi Tea for REDI Index 2024!

22 Jul, 2024


From TeaPak/Yogi Facebook: Do you remember our REDI Index Award? 🏆 The international award that recognizes companies virtuous in valuing religious differences in a company. In the face of the victory, we have received an additional recognition: a special letter from Marco Panieri, Mayor, and Pierangelo Raffini, Councilor for Public Works, Imola, Italy 📃 Thank you for the kind words and trust in our reality! At TeaPak we are committed to promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, creating an inclusive environment where everyone can grow, a place where all voices are heard and valued, and we will work to spread the value of difference and inclusion in the Community as well.


Andrea Costa
CEO & Co-Founder

Becoming aware of the REDI Index Awards 2024, organized by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, we would like to congratulate you and your staff at the TeaPak Company for the recognition achieved for the third consecutive year.

The commitment, passion and professionalism that once again sees TeaPak among the protagonists the major global players and stakeholders are a source of pride for the productive reality of our City: company which, in addition to its continuous path of growth and success on the market, places in the foreground (all beyond the mere logic of profit) uniqueness, integration, ethics and mutual respect different cultures and religions of employees; fundamental concepts also for this Administration.

With the hope and certainty that the TeaPak company will continue the path undertaken for years,

How Spiritual Health Contributes to Mental Wellbeing: Workplace Applications

15 Jul, 2024

Patrick Regan OBE, president and co-founder of Kintsugi HOPE and founder of Brighter Days, and Dr Keith Foster, director of the Contemporary Chaplaincy programme at Waverley Abbey College, discuss how spiritual health contributes to mental wellbeing. The discussion was moderated by Dr Brian Grim, founding president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, with Jag Jethwa (SSE) and David Law (Thames Water). This is an installment of the monthly UK Faith@Work network virtual gathering.

Download Brian Grim’s PowerPoint introduction with statistics from McKinsey & Co. and video from Tyson Foods.

Summary of discussion by Melissa Grim:

Patrick Reagan discusses the charity Kintsugi HOPE he and his wife co-founded. Kintsugi is a Japanese term that means golden joinery, where gold is added to the glue used to mend broken dishware. So, an object becomes more beautiful through its cracks and breaks, in fact, becoming unique – one of a kind.

Through Kintsugi HOPE, churches and schools were trained to run wellbeing groups, a 12-Step Program loosely based on Alcoholics Anonymous, addressing an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. These wellbeing groups look at some of the biggest issues of our time and have been adapted to fit different learning styles.

Covid hit during the charity’s first a pilot program however, the charity actually grew by 455%. Current outreach has impacted over 10,000 people through conceived groups run by over 400 churches with 1,500 faith leaders. Despite all these incredible successes, Patrick was praying for guidance on how to bring these benefits to the workplace.

Looking at his hundreds of books he realized he didn’t have something he could offer a non-Christian friend for reading as it pertained to their faith and the workplace. He challenged himself to write a book outside of the Christian bubble with more accessible language and style for readers of all faiths. With this in mind, and informed by times of great personal struggle, he published: Brighter Days, 12-steps to strengthen your wellbeing.

In the UK, mental health is the biggest reason for missed work. 17 million working days are missed a year with an estimated loss of £119 billion to the UK economy. Approximately 45.8 million adults struggle with their mental health, where 61% of these adults do not access any treatment (and only 10% of employees do so) – 9 out of 10 people in the UK with mental health conditions report that stigma and discrimination have negatively impacted their lives.

The book comes with a devised 4-step program which has been accredited by the (CPD) Continuous Professional Development, offering a CPD certificate upon completion. This has created amazing opportunities to bring the wellbeing program to the workplace, where Brighter Days, now a company, offers employees tools and techniques to utilize for better mental health alongside spiritual health.

Patrick is excited to hear from any interested persons and is excited that people are starting to see the workplace as a place to bring their faith!

Dr. Keith Foster worked in the corporate industry until about 40 years old, at Senior Level, and most senior people he worked with weren’t going to come to church anytime soon. Maybe church was for “poor people” or “people that were struggling in life” or whatever it might be. In fact, he did a doctoral thesis on “whatever happened to the rich young man.”

Dr. Foster states, “I ended up at Waverley [Abbey] because I believe we need people who are the presence of God in the workplace. And I think lot of people do this and they don’t realize they are that.” In fact, many people who take our 30-session Contemporary Chaplaincy course online, relay afterwards that the course provides a language and framework for work they were already involved in/drawn to.

Citing the paper “Has Theology Anything to Say to the Secular Academy, Or is it Really So Useless?” as an example of scientific suspicion of theology, Dr. Foster argues that “absolutely It has.” And there’s kind of suspicions on both sides, even in the theological camp – e.g. do we want to mix ourselves in those arenas? And, what’s really exciting is the research that Brian has drawn attention to, shows that absolutely spirituality belongs in this arena.

Dr. Foster argues that as we understand people, in an extra dimension, not just as physical or emotional beings, but actual spiritual beings, it gives us an understanding of what motivates them – what motivates their decisions. In increasingly multicultural society, having chaplains that understand this, and companies who employ them, makes business sense. For instance, the understanding of God or suffering varies between different religious faiths, and therefore employees’ reactions to loss or grief may vary.

A further 6-session Chaplaincy Volunteering course Dr. Foster developed looks at these issues as well. The course was developed in part to reward/recognize the vast number of volunteers and organizations who support chaplains in all that they do.

Workplace chaplaincy is on the move, it’s on the rise. Most people spend most of their time in the work place, and they need people who are willing, visible and available, to say “I am here to listen.” Chaplains are in the unique position to help employees before they struggles go from personal to requiring corporate response.

Question from Brian Grim: You’ve both alluded to how you both come from Christian backgrounds, but you’re seeing more how this applies to other faiths. Any last comments on what your journey has been bridging to people of other faiths and any principles you might want to share along those lines.

Patrick: There is so much common ground among faith groups, especially with regards to wellbeing and mental health. It is something that affects all of us, and yet there is still stigma attached to it.

Within the Christian faith in the UK an estimated 90% of Church leaders have never had any training in mental health. They are good at Latin, Greek and Hebrew, but not recognizing certain wellbeing issues.

The Bangladeshi community in Tower Hamlets has a very strong Muslim community – with community members suffering from depression and anxiety, yet stigma is often what prevents them from getting help.

The other common thread is the idea that if you struggle with your mental or spiritual or physical health that on some level you have failed God, or that you haven’t prayed enough, or that you have some sort of hidden sin.

So, where we’ve seen really effective work between faith groups is where we’ve come together and really tried to challenge the stigma associated with seeking mental health care and challenge the perception that asking for help is a sign of weakness, or denial of God’s existence in our lives.

New Asia-Wide Partnership Announced in Singapore

28 Jun, 2024

Immediate Release: Singapore, June 28, 2024

Consulus’s DialogueCORE strengthens faith-fluency approach, launches new partnership with Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

DialogueCORE recently unveiled a new partnership with the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) during Shape the World Summit 2024 last 21 June at Changi Jewel, Singapore in front of more than 200 Changemakers from around the world. 

Helmed by Dr. Farha Iman, Global Head of DialogueCORE, together with Dr. Brian Grim, President and Founder of RFBF, announced that this newly minted collaboration aims “to provide solutions at a larger platform and cover countries and regions from East to West” using faith-fluency and intercultural dialogue. 

Founded in 2014, RFBF is an organization focused on “educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power faith — and religious freedom for all — has on business and the economy.”

“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to combine efforts with the team at DialogueCORE and Consulus to promote workplace cultures where people of all faiths and beliefs are valued and belong,” said Dr. Grim. “I’m looking forward […] to help companies across Asia also showcase how their religiously inclusive workplaces benefit their bottom lines through increased retention and recruitment as well as foster stronger, more innovative teams.”

To date, RFBF has worked with leading corporations using the global Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index, a benchmarking measure for evaluating an organization’s dedication to incorporating religion and belief into its broader diversity initiatives. These companies include Google, Accenture, DELL, Equinix, Intel, Salesforce, Rolls-Royce, Baringa, KPMG, American Express, Bosch, ServiceNow, American Airlines, Citigroup, and more. 

According to Dr. Iman, this partnership holds “great potential” since “the idea of bringing faith in business needs different levels of functioning, diverse understanding, and variety of expertise.”

“Together we will be able to bring holistic change in the business culture which will automatically bring stability and profitability in the world economy. Along with the employee’s wellness, we will be able to help businesses to develop products and services in such a way that it values and respects people of faith and faith of people,” she said. 

About DialogueCORE

DialogueCORE is a specialized practice of Consulus which integrates faith fluency in business to unlock new avenues for internal sustainable cooperation and external business expansions. It focuses on interfaith and intercultural dialogue to foster unity and profitability. 

About Shape the World Summit

The Shape the World Conference (STWC), now known as the Shape the World Summit (STWS), was started by Consulus in 2005 with a simple mission: to get Changemakers to rethink their purpose and make a difference in shaping a better world. Since then, more than 5,800 leaders have attended the STWS, which has been held in countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Over the years, the event has featured various themes, including “Designing Sustainable and Smart Cities,” “Designing a More Equitable Economic System,” and “Future Resilience by Sustainability: Building Sustainable Movements While Navigating a New World of AI and Data.”

About Consulus

Consulus is a global creative change firm serving persons, companies, and cities in their transfiguration for an Economy of Communion. Consulus believes that purpose and unity are essential for innovation and inclusive growth. Since 2004, Consulus has implemented systemic innovation solutions with multidisciplinary business and design capabilities throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With a presence in 23 nations globally, Consulus believes in shaping an inclusive socio-economic system and is a member of the Economy of Communion (EoC) network.

Rethinking Career Legacy, Success, and Faith at Work

14 Jun, 2024

By Kevin Anselmo*

While our workplace contributions may be forgotten in the long term, a mindset shift centered on faith, spirituality, and the greater good can renew our professional fulfillment, writes Kevin Anselmo.

There is plenty of advice out there – much of it lofty and grandiose – about making a lasting impact at work. For example, facilitators of leadership workshops often ask participants how they want to be remembered after leaving a company or retiring from their career. The intent behind such questions is to prompt self-reflection and introspection on an idealized future centered around personal accomplishments, accolades, and glories.

However, these feel-good exercises gloss over a sobering reality: over time, most individual contributions and achievements will inevitably be forgotten. Whether you are an executive, entrepreneur, independent contributor, or any other professional, your contributions in the workplace will probably become a faint memory of others soon after you tender your resignation. Zooming out a few more years and decades, the specifics of both the person and the work done will likely be forgotten.

Just go back 100 years and consider: how many people in the workforce can you name from 1924? Think about a job you moved on from, say, 10 years ago, and then imagine walking through that same office today. It’s highly likely that the majority of the company’s current employees have no idea about former colleagues or the contributions they made. Furthermore, it’s important to recognize that some of the organizations where we work may one day cease to exist. So, the question becomes, should we even endeavor to leave a lasting mark on an organization? If so, how?

Aspiring to be at the top of an industry is an admirable goal. Yet, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the very nature of jobs may undergo significant change in the relatively near future, particularly with current advances in artificial intelligence.

Ultimately, everyone faces the end of their lives, bequeathing the financial assets and possessions accrued to heirs or friends – and over time these individuals will carry on life as normal. While these realities may initially seem disheartening, embracing and adapting to them can be incredibly freeing and invigorating in our professional lives. Rather than being a source of despair, accepting the transient nature of individual impact and the ever-evolving environment of work can actually open up new perspectives and opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. Moreover, exploring spirituality can provide a powerful antidote and offer a sense of purpose, connection, and resilience.

Here are three mindset shifts to navigate this reality and find renewed purpose in work:

Connecting faith to work

We are often advised to avoid discussing religion and politics in our various interactions with strangers, and particularly with colleagues at work. While this makes sense in certain contexts, it can also seem at odds with the growing trend of encouraging employees to bring their authentic and full selves to work. Embracing unique traits, experiences, and perspectives contributes to a more inclusive and innovative work environment. According to PwC, 85% of companies with a formal diversity and inclusion strategy reported an improved bottom line.

Faith, as a core aspect of identity for many individuals, should not be excluded from this conversation – and that encompasses any worldview or religion. As it relates to religion, a study by researchers at Georgetown University and Brigham Young University found a positive relationship between religious freedom and 10 of the 12 pillars of global competitiveness, as measured by the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index.Companies are taking action. According to the 2024 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Index (REDI), 85.8% of Fortune 500 companies now mention religion as part of their broader commitment to diversity, more than double the number in 2022 (202 companies, or 40.4%). The study also found a 68% increase in the number of Fortune 500 companies showcasing that they have faith-oriented employee business resource groups over the past two years. This year’s index lists American Airlines and Accenture as the most religiously inclusive global companies.

Redefining success through a spiritual lens

Regardless of whether an organization actively fosters religious diversity, individuals can benefit from exploring how their work aligns with their faith and traditions. One powerful approach to finding meaning in a career is to redefine success through the lens of personal spiritual beliefs. Success is a concept that society typically associates with money, influence, prestige, and power. While there is nothing wrong with such pursuits when achieved in an ethical manner, examining them in a spiritual context can provide a more profound sense of purpose, particularly in how we approach our ephemeral career impact.

In the book The Road to Character, David Brooks distinguishes between résumé virtues – skills that contribute to external success in the job market – and the deeper eulogy virtues, such as honesty, kindness, and the quality of relationships. Although most people would agree that eulogy virtues hold greater importance, many tend to prioritize résumé virtues. By leaning into one’s spiritual belief traditions, we may be able to better incorporate these eulogy virtues and their convictions into our career and everyday purpose at work.

Focusing on the greater good and releasing self-imposed pressure

Many of us seek the approval of others – we want to feel needed, to be in control of our lives, and to make a name for ourselves. However, these desires can be debilitating and hinder personal growth. Recognizing that some people may not approve of us – whether justified or not – and that eventually our services within a company will no longer be needed can help alleviate the pressure we place on ourselves. There is a sense of relief to realize that while our career successes may be forgotten, so will our career failures.

This doesn’t diminish the importance of our work, however. On the contrary, many faith traditions emphasize the value of doing one’s best work at all times, regardless of recognition or lasting impact. For many individuals, incorporating faith into their work can shift the emphasis toward the greater common good. This mindset also influences how we treat one another. When our primary focus is individual glory as part of our legacy, we are more likely to make ruthless decisions to advance our agenda. By adopting a realistic approach to our career legacies, we can prioritize treating our fellow human beings with respect and kindness rather than advancing our individual objectives.

So, fear not about the forgotten nature of our work. In fact, accepting it can actually bring greater peace and remove the pressure that comes with pursuing personal fame. By aligning our work with a higher purpose, we can find contentment and motivation, knowing that our professional efforts contribute to something beyond ourselves and align with a higher purpose. This perspective also encourages us to be more considerate team players.

Imagine 100 years from now. The year is 2124. It is not as distant as it seems. We will all be gone soon. Recognizing the fleeting nature of our existence underscores the urgent need to rethink our approach to work and to our professional lives in general. Embracing these mindset shifts and incorporating faith and spirituality – whatever that might be to you – into our work, can help us find renewed purpose, and a greater connection to the world and people around us.

* Kevin Anselmo is the founder of a communications consultancy and the author of Reframing Career Success: Picture Your Significance at Work from a Christian Perspective. He leads workshops to help participants incorporate faith in their work. Learn more at and contact Kevin via email – Originally published on June 11, 2024, in INSIGHTS: Knowledge Information, ieUniversity. Reprinted with permission of the author.

RFBF welcomes Dave Law as a UK Workplace Fellow

12 Jun, 2024

RFBF welcomes David Law, Bsc (Hons) CSci CChem MRSC, as a UK Workplace Fellow!

Dave is one of the founders of the Faith at Work project in the UK, a movement of over 50 companies which encourages employers to support religion and belief in the workplace and support people of faith to bring their whole soul to work.

David led a group who shared the project with the British Prime Minister’s office, 10 Downing Street, in July 2023, and with the British Parliament All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion and Belief. Dave was one of the organisers of Faith in the Workplace conference on the 4th March 2024 in London (see timeline).

David is also an associate of Transform Work, a charity that supports Christian Workplace groups. He is analytical Chemist for Thames Water and lives in Reading with his wife and daughter.