Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Liberia Initiative

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is an interfaith non-profit working worldwide to advance SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. We do this by helping large companies include religion as part of their diversity programs and benchmark their progress on the internationally recognized REDI Index. We also advance SDG 16 through the Global Business & Intercultural Peace Awards, honoring CEOs advancing interfaith understanding, religious freedom for all, and thus, peace.

In collaboration with the “Waking the Giant” initiative (St. John York, General Coordinator), we are piloting both the REDI Index and Global CEO Awards in Liberia. Questions? Email:

The Global Business & Intercultural Peace Awards began as part of former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s UN Global Compact Business for Peace initiative in Rio de Janeiro (2016), Seoul (2018) and Tokyo (2021). In 2022 they were given in Washington DC and now are based in New Delhi. If there is interest, a national edition could be held in Liberia.