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International Religious Freedom in an Age of Nationalism

Harvard Law School, April 3, 2018

Sponsored by the Catholic Law Students Association; Islamic Legal Studies Program: Law and Social Change; Human Rights Program; Jewish Law Students Association; Christian Fellowship; DOS Grant Fund; and the Harvard Islamic Society.

SPEAKERS (in order of presentation): Daniel Mark, Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Villanova University; Mustafa Akyol , author of “Islam Without Extremes: and Senior Fellow at the Freedom Project at Wellesley College; and Brian Grim, founding President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, and Co-editor of the World Religion Database. They discuss “International Religious Freedom in an Age of Nationalism” and were introduced by third year Harvard Law School student Tiernan Kane.

At least since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of religion has been widely recognized as a universal human right. In recent years, however, the international order of the late twentieth century has come under increasing pressure, and nationalism seems on the rise. How is this development affecting freedom of religion? Leading experts, informed by various faith traditions, academic disciplines, and experiences, will discuss this question–and what must be done to protect international religious freedom in an age of nationalism.