Choi Joon-Myung

- Founding Chairman
- YOJIN Construction & Engineering
- President
- Hwigyeong school and Social Welfare Chanpil foundation
- South Korea
About YOJIN’s Social and Educational Work: YOJIN Construction & Engineering’s Education and Social Welfare Services are committed to holistically fostering human beings with the belief that the most important business is to train people for the future.
Lifetime Achievement Medalist, Global Business & Interfaith Peace Awards
Joon Myung CHOI, Founding Chairman of YOJIN Construction & Engineering, ensures his employees are free from religious discrimination and free to believe in their own faith. He also is an active supporter of interfaith understanding and peace initiatives for decades, including now as Board Chairman of Won Buddhism United Region Foundation, with interfaith activity at its core.
- – Ban Ki-moon (former UN Sec. Gen.) gives keynote
- – Powerpoint Summary of Events with Photos
- – Photos from the Awards (Flickr)
- – Extensive photo set (DropBox)
- – Videos from the Awards and of the Awardees
Acceptance Speech
저는 평소에 종교간 대화 운동과 협력 운동에 많은 관심과 지지를 보내왔습니다
제가 신앙하는 원불교를 창건하신 소태산 대종사께서는 종교화합을 통한 인류 평화를 늘 강조하셨고, 이러한 가르침에 따라 저는 한국과 아세아, 세계 종교간 대화 운동을 지원하는 종교연합 후원 재단의 이사장으로써 활동을 하고 있습니다.
이 일을 함에 있어 언제나 감사한 마음을 가지고 있습니다.
또한 저는 전문 경영인으로써 회사 안에 다양한 종교인들이 근무하고 있고, 이들이 서로 종교간 편견 없이 일할 수 있는 환경을 만드는 데 큰 관심과 배려를 해왔습니다.
저는 이러한 종교간 화합을 위한 노력과 지원이 가정의 평화, 사회의 평화, 나아가 세계의 평화를 유지하고 만들 것이라 믿습니다.
In 1933, Mr. Joon Myung Choi was born in Young-Gwang, Korea. He graduated Hanyang University, majoring Architectural Engineering in 1960. He began to work on construction field while attending university in 1957. He established Yojin Construction & Engineering in 1976. He became the chairman of the board of Chang-Peel Foundation, an organization to promote social welfare, especially to support orphans in 2004. Then, he also took office as the chairman of Hwigyeong School Foundation, 2005.
More Detail
The nominee has supported interfaith understanding and peace initiative for decades. He has been the chairman of the board since 2011 at Won Buddhism United Region Foundation, which roles are mainly to support the interfaith activities among religions, to spread the vision of United Religion, and to produce leaders who perform these activities. Also he has launched a policy of ‘religion freedom in the office’ that every employee has right to be free from religious discrimination and to believe in their own faith.
To promote and develop inter-religious dialogue as part of the policy of ‘religion freedom in the office,’ CEO has conducted two programs every year; 1. Religious Youth Camp, named ‘United Religion Camp’, which has contributed empowering interfaith between religious youth and 2. Religious Cooperation Seminar, which has drafted the programs and policies to activate inter-religious movement.
By virtue of financial supports from the Nominee, a United Religion Committee could successfully managed programs to foster mutual understanding and social cohesion among the diversified cultures and religious traditions not only in Korea, but also in the world.
From launching the policy of ‘religion freedom in the office’ and the programs for the youth and adults, it is learned that interfaith dialogues are not only confined to the religious leaders, but also the CEO of the company, adults, youth, and every single person In the world could join to seek interreligious dialogue for the peace.
Nominated by:
- Tae-Sung Kim
- Secretary General
- Korean Conference of Religions for Peace (KCRP)