Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Mohamad Moataz Alkhayat

Nominated by:


Mohamad Moataz Alkhayat is a self-made international businessman and philanthropist. He is Chairman of Power International Holding, a portfolio of sustainable, innovative, and successful businesses across five sectors: General Contracting, Agriculture & Food Industry, Real Estate Development, Lifestyle (Hospitality, Entertainment & Catering), and General Services. Growing value and the economy across the region, and beyond. Also, Hh is the Chairman of Power International Holding, UCC Holding, and of UrbaCon Trading & Contracting (UCC), a contracting company ranked 194 in international contractors. He is also a founder and Chairman of “Baladna Food Industries, Q.P.S.C.”, an $800 Million Dairy Company established in March 2014, and became public in November 2019. Moataz Alkhayat is a Qatari based in Doha, striving to explore new business frontiers and provide clients with cutting edge solutions. His leadership and business principles are honesty, hard work, attention to detail and assuring quality. He also helps refugees transform their lives through the The Alkhayyat Foundation, a non-profit organization he founded in 2015 to support refugees, which he also chairs. It was founded on his belief that education is a cornerstone of a stable society.

Information about the policy, programme or initiative

1. Please describe a policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s) that the Nominee (or the company the Nominee leads/led) has launched or spearheaded to advance the company’s efforts to champion interfaith understanding and peace (max 300 words)

The nominee Mr. Moataz Alkhayat in his capacity as chairman of UCC Holding, one of Qatar’s leading contracting groups has launched an initiative called “UCC EDUCATION FOR ALL”. The nominee has created this fund to secure a participation in the employee’s children education in their home land. UCC employs around 15,000 eligible labors, employees come from several countries of the world to Qatar, UCC provides their accommodation, health care and well-being. The program goes beyond the duty of financially remunerating them and properly accommodate them, UCC program aims at providing spiritual and psychological well-being. The program makes sure to secure proper praying parlors to all religions, special care is taken to ensure that workers can perform their regular home rituals in an environment of tolerance and mutual understanding. And beyond that the owners of the company along with the top management contribute to a fund that aims at financing part of the education of one of the children of each worker. Enrolling in the grant of the project is not restricted to any religion nationality or race. From the other end the program will cooperate with schools in all the countries of origin regardless of their religion and nationality to fund part of the education of these employees.

2. Which category or categories does the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s) fall into:

  • – Social Investment and Philanthropy

3. Does the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s) address any of the following related to Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB):

  • – Promote sustainable and innovative business through protecting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)
  • – Non-discrimination and/or non-harassment on the basis of religion or belief
  • – Religious accommodation and inclusion
  • – Protecting and promoting freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) in the community

4. Please describe the objective of the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s) and the need, goal or gap that it was designed to address. (max 200 words)

The objective of UCC EDUCATION FOR ALL, is to make sure that the families of the laborers at UCC benefit from a proper education, but beyond this it will advocate a culture of philanthropy and of tolerance. Although the main contributors to this fund are the owners, but the executives and some of the clients as well. The nominee wants everybody that is linked to UCC to be aware of these laborers and contribute to their well-being and through them spread tolerance, education, peace and positive development.

5. How was the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s) implemented?  What role did the Nominee play? (max 200 words)

The nominee is the creator, instigator and major financial contributors to this program. On his personal account he has built the proper mutli-religion worship facilities in all 7 camps where the labors live. He has made sure through the executive team to allow special “off days” to all religions and an internal admin policy that allows religious group to celebrate their specific religious holidays while observing that they do it on site and without infringing any national law.

6. What were/are the most persistent challenges in implementing the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s)?  How were they/are they being overcome and what was the role of the Nominee? (max 200 words)

The challenges being resolved now are the choice of educational institutions and programs that the program will send money to in the home countries of the workers namely Hindu schools, Christian apostolic schools, Muslim educational institutions and laic organizations. The aim is to contribute with the employee in an education he would naturally give his child.

7. What are the key lessons learned from launching the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s)? (max 200 words)

The key message that the Nominee and his executive group want to promote is that when you tolerate the right of choice of religion and facilitate the performance of rituals then you will realize that all human being have the Good value within them, and when you show care for their families and help make their home environment a good place then you are spreading Good on all levels.

Impact and Reporting on Progress

1. How do you monitor and evaluate progress on the policy(s), programme(s) or initiative(s)? If relevant, what indicators and metrics are used? (max 200 words)

The program is monitored in number of tuitions contributed to and in percentage of the fees supported in could go from 200$ to 1000$ per annum per person.

2. What outcomes or impact have been reached to date? Please be as specific as possible and supply available data. (max 200 words)

The program has just started, the policies and procedures of enrollment are set, the fund will start at 1 Mn USD all funded by the nominee. Seven praying facilities are build and are currently being used by all. The internal fund-raising program is about to start within the executives of the group.

3. Is the Nominee’s company reporting on its practices, policies, programmes and/or initiatives to champion interfaith understanding and peace? If so, please provide relevant weblink(s) for posting on the Awards’ website. If integrated into the company’s corporate sustainability report, Global Compact COP or GRI Report, please indicate relevant pages and/or sections. (max 200 words)

The nominee is actively supporting SDG Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Additional Information:

A. How has the Nominee taken action to support and promote the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles? If so, please specify. (max 200 words)

The nominee is actively supporting SDG Goal 4.

B. Please provide any additional information to be considered.

Moutaz Al-Khayatt also helps refugees transform their lives through the The Alkhayyat Foundation, a non-profit organization he founded in 2015 to support refugees, which he also chairs. It was founded on his belief that education is a cornerstone of a stable society. The Foundation provides monetary and in-kind support to international organizations and educational institutions working for vulnerable and underserved communities in the Middle East region by working with UN agencies, and provides direct grants and in-kind support to educational partners. The Alkhayyat Foundation worked with the Institute of International Education in 2014 to award grants to 43 Syrian students at US universities in need of financial assistance due to the ongoing conflict. In 2016, the foundation ran a match-funding campaign in partnership with the UN World Food Programme, funding supplies for thousands of refugees, worked with the UNHCR and UNICEF.

Finally, as an example of his go-to spirit in socio-economic problem solving, see video below about how he established a cutting edge dairy business despite a blockade.


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