The UK Faith@Work monthly call in September had a fascinating discussion with chaplains Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra and Shaykha Saleha Islam Bukhari serving all the companies in London’s Canary Wharf. You can watch the full recording above.
From the Canary Wharf Multifaith Chaplaincy website:
“Originally Canary Wharf Group invited the Canary Wharf Multifaith Chaplaincy to bring spirituality and a faith presence into the world of work, provide pastoral care and support through personal or work-related issues, and act as faith advisers to both CWG and the companies based on the estate. The estate has change much since the chaplaincy was established, but its purpose stays the same extending to the whole Canary Wharf estate community.
Chaplains believe everyone is capable of having good values and ethics in their working and daily lives not just people who profess a faith.
We aim to offer a non-judgmental and safe place to help people:
- — Explore those things which worry or concern them
- — Discover and explore how beliefs can inform or give meaning to their values, including the way they do business
- — Make the changes they want to make in their professional and personal lives
The Canary Wharf Multifaith Chaplaincy believe faith can help inform values and ethics in the workplace.
Our values are informed by the ‘Common Faith Covenant’ for doing good business.
The vision for the Common Faith covenant came from senior business executives of different Abrahamic faith* groups from a variety of financial and professional services firms based in Canary, working with the Canary Wharf Multifaith Chaplaincy, assisted by the Institute of Business Ethics.
The group wanted to give a voice to people of faith that their personal and professional values were integrated and give a collective strength for their own behaviour. Giving an opportunity for people of faith to articulate publicly that they, through their faith values, contribute to good and ethical business practices in the workplace and speak up.
We subscribe to the values of the The Inter Faith Network for the UK, which worked to promote understanding, cooperation and good relations between organisations and persons of different faiths in the UK.”