Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


The Golden Rule at Work: Interfaith Photo Competition

17 Apr, 2024

The Golden Rule in Action

Leading up to this year’s Dare to Overcome Conference, we would like to see your pictures of The Golden Rule in action. This concept of loving one’s neighbor is central to religious and spiritual people around the world.

The Golden Rule also unites people from different faiths and beliefs in the workplace as they come together to overcome things that prevent unity, justice, tranquility, security, general welfare, and the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Let’s celebrate these moments of collaboration across faiths and beliefs. And let’s inspire others to put the The Golden Rule into action at work.

What does The Golden Rule look like in action as people work together across faiths and beliefs to create cultures of flourishing in the workplace?

Submit your photos of The Golden Rule in action by midnight on May 17th.

A winner will be selected and announced during the Dare to Overcome conference (May 21-22, 2024).

Contest participants must be employees at companies with representatives attending the Dare to Overcome conference.