Pre-Conference Roundtable: Chaplaincy Case Studies Review
Join Wendy Cadge to give feedback on case studies being piloted by Brandeis University’s Chaplaincy Innovation Lab to help non-chaplains understand what chaplains do at a pre-conference roundtable at Dare to Overcome, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 9:30-11:00 am. Location: Busch School of Business, Washington DC. To apply to participate, email Brian Grim (must be registered for Dare to Overcome).
The Chaplaincy Innovation Lab has developed a series of case studies designed to teach non-chaplains (i.e. healthcare workers, first responders, executives, police officers, etc.) what chaplains do and how spiritual care providers can support their work. Each case study features a situation in which a chaplain supports the work of a colleague who is not a chaplain in their institution. Join us for a 90 minute conversation about these case studies and to see if they might be helpful in your setting. Draft case studies will be provided in advance and the feedback shared will be used to strengthen them before their final release in the fall 2024.