Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


SHRM: Navigating Religious Inclusion at Work, by T. Agovino

1 Feb, 2024

“As cultural change and new legal precedents are increasingly bringing religion to the forefront in the workplace, employers are left wondering how—and whether—they can draw a line between employees’ work and religious practice,” writes Theresa Agovino in the forthcoming issue of All Things Work from HR Magazine (SHRM, Feb. 3, 2024).

Among those interviewed are Brian Grim:

:Conversations about faith can help quell dissent over accommodations, says Brian Grim, founding president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, an Annapolis, Md.-based nonprofit that educates leaders, policymakers and consumers about the positive benefits that faith can have in the workplace.

“’Respect, empathy and humility are core values espoused by most religions,’ Grim says. ‘While some religious beliefs might be offensive to others, those core values aren’t. In religious DE&I initiatives, it’s important to define what they are about and what they aren’t. Among other things, they are about information, engagement and celebration; they are not about dogma, proselytizing or the culture wars.’”

Respect, empathy and humility are core values espoused by most religions. While some religious beliefs might be offensive to others, those core values aren’t.” —Brian Grim