The 5th annual DFW Summit for Religious Freedom at Southern Methodist University will take place on Thursday, October 27. RFBF’s Senior Corporate Advisor, Kent Johnson, will kick off the event with a talk on “Religious Freedom in Business: Where It’s Being Done Well,” focusing on REDI Index leaders like American Airlines, Intel and Dell.
In the afternoon, Kent will also moderate a panel of representatives from REDI Index leaders on “Advancing Human Dignity and Civility in Business: How to Start Faith-Oriented Business Groups that Make a Difference.”
Other Summit topics include “Religion in Public Schools,” “Religion in the Town Square,” “Balancing LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom,” and “Living Peaceably on a Foundation of Religious Freedom and Civic Harmony.”
These Summits have been wonderful and thought provoking. Attendees and speakers will include people from a wide range of faiths and worldviews. We hope many of you will come join us, in person or virtually. Register here.